Chapter 4

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Chloe's pov

I grabbed my green Bronx 83 top, my jogging bottoms, I grabbed my green LA SnapBack and my black high tops. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. I hoped out, dried my selfI, got ready, blow dried my hair and straitened my hair. I grabbed my snapback pulled it on and grabbed my phone. The petrol was in the garden shed. On the way out I got my keys and ran to the shed.

After I filled the tank up there was another tank full so I put it in the boot. I got in and drove to the O2l house. I called jc and he didn't pick up,I then revved my car but he didn't hear it so I got out quickly otherwise I'll be late I had to be there for 10 ant it was 9:50 I had 10 minutes. I ran to the door and rang the doorbell. Kian answered the door. Noo. "Hey Chloe why are you here ?""to pick up jc" " why do you want to pick him up?" I

S this a thousand questions." To help me fix 7 stock cars. So if you don't mind yelling him for me cus I will be late!" "Jc!!". He came running down stairs."hurry up!"

I ran to my car and so did jc we started to go to the track but my phone went off"jc can you get my phone and read the text." He grabbed my phone from the dashboard and asked for the code"9753" I'll have to change my cod know"your dad said he isn't coming because he's ill so he won't be there today" that's just grate. We arrived at the track and I gave the key to jc and he let me in and all the other people in.The stock cars were all ready there.


I wanted to make a few modifier cations to my car I put 2 medium tanks of nitrous in the engine to make it go twice as fast as it used to do. I wanted more speed so I am going to fit an ALS (Anti-Lag System). It's used on turbocharged engines the keep to turbo spinning at full speed during shifting. When the clutch is engaged. My car was officially faster than the stock cars even know they have the same equipment.

Jc was sat talking to the famous racers.i smiled because I knew all of them they were like family to me. Max one of the racers came over to me." Hey Chloe want to race us because josh dropped out so we have a space for you?" I love racing with them plus I want to see what my car can do" sure.I've just finished turbo boosting the engine it goes a little over twice as fast know. Oh and can jc come in my car?" I know how he likes my car."it's fine with us. So I'll take that as a yes?" " yep" "good I missed racing with you pal. It's good to race a paints a girl" he said with a smirk. He thinks he can win every race but no. He walked away and jc came up to me "pal? I like that nickname, it soots you" "hey jc I got the part for SAMs car can you call him to come pick it up I don't want it taking my space up any more." "Yeah can they come and watch you?" I had to think about that one"sure it starts in10 minutes and your coming in the car" he nodded and walked of. I went to the speakers that are all around the stadium and put electric house music on. The crowd started to jump up and down. They know it's me when I put music on.

Jc's pov

I went to call sam but music was put on. Typical Chloe or should I say pal."hey sam come pick up your car Chloe's finished it the piece came early and tell every one to com to the track she's racing in a big competition" " ok we are nearly there" then he hung up. I walked to Chloe and seen she was putting the thick tires on. She finished them and put the car down and passed me a helmet. I put it on and sat in the car.

Chloe's pov

I walked of to see the whole of O2L coming towards me. Sam was indpfront. "After I'm done racing I want your car gone" I said in a harsh tone. Trevor came over to me and whispered "are you ok?" " I'll tell you later" and hugged back. " right I can got you the front row seats. And I have 2 spear seats in my car. You can sit in them but the car has been soopped up so it will go twice as fast. So who wants to come in my car?" " I want too!!" Trevor yelled. Looks like no one else wants to come. I don't care. " sam here's your keys." I threw them at him. He looked hurt but I don't care.

They sat in there seats and I gave my helmet to Trevor " Chloe don't you need this?" "No I've been driving for years. It doesn't matter if I get won't be that bad anyway because there are air bags all over." I walked over to the car and sat leaned on the bonnet with my lest foot on the car. Max and the others pulled up." HEY PAL LONG TIME NO SEE. YOUR GOING DOWN!!" They day dream to much."DREAM ON BOYS I SEE YOU CHICKEN ARE WEARING YOUR HELMETS!!" "IF I LOOSE THE WINNER TAKES MY CAR IF I WIN I TAKE THE 2ND AND 3RD PLACE CAR!!!"

Trevor got in front while jc was in the back. They revved their cars and I waited till they were done and revved my car. The crowd screamed "BURN!!" The lights were on red,yellow green! I flawed it. Max was on the inside bad mistake "GUYS DO YOU TRUST MR??" They looked at each other and nodded. I went out to the side and went across the middle lane to the lane max was in, I swerved into Max's lane and putt the brakes it made him brake aswell. I took of the brakes and flawed it. I put on the fist nitrous. I was to far for them to catch up on this lad.1 lap down 3 more to go. The first turn was coming up and I decided to drift. The drifts around all the Connors made up for the speed. I was about to lap Alex but I couldn't get past so I had to wait till the next corner he tried to drift but ended up going on the grass. I hit the next turbo to pass max and the rest it worked. I'm on the last lap and decided to take it a different way. I took a quick turn so I was facing the cars and put my car in reverse. I won by far.

THE CAMARO (Sam Pottorff and Kian lawley)Where stories live. Discover now