Chapter 23

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Sams pov

Chloe rested her hands on her stomach."I love you sam" she said looking up at me"I love you too" I said. She moved her hands to get her phone. She was getting at call.blocked number. She answered it."hello" she dropped her phone. She ran to the front of the house all of us followed. Cameron was standing there with 4 other guys. Cam had a crowbar in his hands."miss me" he smirked."Dylan get behind me" Chloe said. He got behind her"I'm so sorry Dylan" she said cam stepped forwards a few feet away from her. She was in front of all of us. Cam gave the crowbar to one of his friends and came towards Chloe. He ran his fingers down her jaw and went to reach behind her"don't touch him" he gripped his arm. Dylan stepped back. "Dylan go home know!" Chloe shouted."no" he said"NOW!" She shouted louder. He ran to his house. One of the guys walked towards him. Chloe ran up to him. And jumped on his shoulders. She used her broken arm to try and choke him. It didn't work one of the guys lifted her off and threw her on the floor. Jc ran towards her and hit the guy multiple times. Then kian went to help. I got cameron with Connor. We were all fighting the guys. Then I could see Martin and Justin walk past. They came running over and helped my nose was now bleeding.

Chloe's pov

Martin came over and got the guy In a head lock. I kicked the guy in the stomach. I looked all around me to see cameron ready to get ricky. I ran over to cameron and grabbed the crowbar. "Ricky move" I mouthed. He got up and ran cam turned round and punched me in the cheek. He ran to his car and drove away the 4 guys .ran I ran over to sam."I'm so sorry I hugged him. I turned around to a gunfire. I fell to the ground"CHLOE!!" Everyone screamed. Sam held me in his arms."call a ambulance!" Sam shouted. "I love you sam. I always did. It's time for your to move on. I'll miss you. Bye sam." My eyes slowly shut.

Sams pov

"Chloe wake up." I hugged her tight to my chest. I put my hands on where she had been shot.I cried into her hair. The ambulance came.i let go of her. They carried her into the ambulance and rushed her away. I cried into my knees. I could hear everyone crying. I couldn't stop crying.Chloe's parents. Dylan cam running over."where's Chloe?" He asked a bit upset."she......she got shot." He fell to the ground. He started to cry as well. I noticed Justin and Martin crying. I had Chloe's blood all on my hands and t shirt. "What happened?" I heard mats voice."she's gone" Dylan choked out."no, no she's ok" matt said panicking.

I held Chloe's hand. Her heart monitor beeping. "I will never move on" her heart monitor started to slow down. Then it was a long beep." wake up"

Chloe's pov

I walked towards my lifeless body. Sam was holding my hand. "Sam I'm here" I said. He couldn't here me."darling you need to go back" I heard a voice that I would never here again"nanny pat" I said turning round. She held her arms out. I ran to her and hugged her."I've missed you" I said"I've missed you too." "How have you been?" I asked"fantastic. I know how you've been. I've been watching you" she smiled."really?" "Yes. You own the latest car. You have a sky blue cammaro and you've met your brother and your step brother. You are friends with Austin,Martin,Justin and all of these boys. You need to go back." She said "but how?" I asked."you will find the strength. I love you. I'll see you when it's your time. I'll be watching over you." She hugged me once more. I kissed her cheek"I love you more" then she drifted away. I walked over to my body and touched my hand. I was sucked into my body.

Chloe's mums pov

I sat down nested to the boy holding Chloe's hand."you must be her friend" I said locking down at my hands"now ex boyfriend." "I'm so sorry I didn't know" I feel such an idiot. Then the door opened. I turned round to see my two sons."Conor. That can't be you. Your dead" I got up. He explained everything"I've missed you" he said"I've missed you too" I hugged him. He let go of me and walked over to Chloe. He started to cry. He slid down the bed. "Now I've lost her for real know" he cried. I sat down next to him. He leaned into me. I rubbed his back."it wasn't your fault. If I get my hands on cameron I will kill him myself" matt ran out. Crying. This is really tuff on Conor because he thought he killed her and now he's lost her. Loads of boys came in. All of their eyes were puffy."sam you need it get some sleep come on" a boy said. He nodded and let go of her hand. They all walked out apart from a young boy."I'm Trevor I'm only 15" he said. I nodded. He sat down. "Hey clo it's Trevor. I don't believe that your dead your strong enough to pull through this." He said nearly crying. He got up and left. Conor got up and sat in the chair.

THE CAMARO (Sam Pottorff and Kian lawley)Where stories live. Discover now