Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 ~ the slide

"Meet back in the locker room in an hour." Says River as we spread out. River goes straight for the targets and Skye for the monkey bars. I decide on the zip line course to start.

I start climbing up the ladder and make sure not to look down. I'm not terrified of heights, just nervous about them. I reach the top and let out my breath as I step onto the platform. There's one other girl in front of me, her dark brown hair in a plait. She's waiting for someone else to hop off the end of the zip line. She turns to the side to look over the edge and I see that she has beautiful light feint freckles on her pale skin. The foam skateboard comes up and she places it down on the starting point. I watch as she steps on the board, only just a bit bigger than ones foot. She pushes off and starts sliding down. I look over the edge and watch as she tries to stay on. Just as she reaches the last half of the hundred meters she slips off, falling down for a second before being caught by the netting. She has a smile on her face as she gets up and climbs up the ladder again.

The board comes back up just as she reaches the top. As I put my first foot on it slips off straight away and I back away.

"Need help?" Asks the girl, her voice sweet and kind.

"Yes please, I'm new here." I reply.

"Oh really, where are you from? I'm Fern by the way." She says.

"I'm from um..." Can I trust this girl? I just met her? But she's so nice! So was the Metal kingdom years ago. I decide I can. "I'm from Stream in Water and my name is Rani Inferno."

"Rani Inferno... You, it's you!" She says as if I'm some celebrity.


"Your Multi-elemental!" She says and I motion for her to be quiet. "Sorry." She says smiling.

"Yes that's me but please, the metal kingdom wants me and I can't let them find me." I reply and she nods.

"Ok then. Anyway, back to this thing." She says motioning at the board. "You have to quickly jump on and try to balance. See if you can make it to the end, I'm still trying." I look at the board and take a deep breath. Quickly I jump on with both feet and push off. I'm balancing as it starts going down. It's a hundred meters long with every meter terrifying. The biggest drop is coming ahead and somehow I'm still standing. My arms are out helping to keep me stable and my knees are slightly bent. The board reaches the largest drop and as I start going down I feel my balance change. Without warning my feet fall off the board and soon I'm on the netting. My heart is pounding as I stand up and slowly make my way to the ladder.

"Good job!" Says Fern. I smile as I start going down.

By the way everyone I have a surprise coming!!! I'm writing another book! Ok, not much of a surprise but what I'm writing it about may be. I'll publish the first chapter for it soon. I'm writing:

AIR! Yay, another book in the series. But this one will come out while this one does. It's from Skye's POV about before she met Rani and the adventure she had to Water. I hope you guys will enjoy that!

Earth ~ Elementians book 2Where stories live. Discover now