Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 ~ Metal Challenge

River, Skye and I sit on the bench puffing. Fern is off at the monkey bars trying to reach the end.

"Hey River, is it?" Asks a boy about sixteen, he looks about eighteen.


"You were pretty good on the obstacle course."

"Thanks." She replies smiling.

"But that's just movement, bet you couldn't beat me in the fighting arena." He says coldly.

"Excuse me?" She says standing up.

"I'm just saying, you gotta not be so bold up there. You could get I to some pretty big fights." He says. Listening to this, I can't make any sense out of it. First he complements her and then challenges her? He must be trying to cause a fight.

"Oh really, let's go then." She says getting pumped up. Her face is going red and her hands are being covered in a thin layer of flames.

"Ooh, looks like someone's angry." He says walking with her towards an empty arena. River ignores this as they enter the arena.

The bell goes and they stand there.

"I'm Steel by the way. Warrior in training." He says throwing her with some metal cubes. She doesn't expect that, the metal or the fact that he's from metal. She fires back with fire and then some water. He darts out of the way as I turn to Skye.

"This guys weird." I say.

"Yeah. Something's strange about him." She replies.

"He's from metal, so obviously he's strange." Says Fern from behind us. She stands next to me as we watch River fire water from one hand and fire from the other.

"We have a good friend in Metal. She's one of the nice ones." Says Skye as Fern nods. We turn back to the arena to see Steel standing over River, his hands on her wrists to her sides. Her palms are facing up and I can see she's starting some small fires.

"Guess I was right, your no good in the arena." He says as if he's some champion.

"Oh really?" She replies as the fires blaze onto his arms. He let's go in surprises, still over River. She pushes him away with a jet of water and he hits the glass. It looks just like a movie. A bell goes and they go out their doors.

What do you think of Steel? Surprise new character! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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