Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 ~ Zip boarding

"That boy! So rude!" Says River at the locker area. She's drinking some Remodic. I take that she's never had someone talk rudely to her.

"Yeah but let's forget about him. You have five more battles before you can fight at the international game. Every element for themselves." Reads Skye off a piece of paper.

"What?" Replies River grabbing the paper. "Oh no. I can't, I would be found out."

"Then what do you do?" I ask.

"I'll go talk to the manager." She replies going inside again.

We watch from the locker area as she talks to him and then Steel comes over and they shake hands.

"Weird." Says Fern as River comes back.

"Steel is being sent through, and he actually thanked me." She says smiling.

"Wow, I guess he has two sides." Replies Skye.

We go back into the training centre and go our ways. Fern and I go to the Zip board, Skye to the targets and River to the monkey bars.

"I'm trying to make it the whole way." Says Fern as we look down on the ramp. It's only us up here so she goes first. Quickly she jumps on and slides down. Her arms are out and her knees are bent as she goes. Fern reaches the biggest dip and bends her knees more and leans more back as she goes down. For a second she is gliding perfectly but it ends too soon. She falls to her left, off and lands safely on the net.

She climbs back up and I get ready to climb on.

"Off you go." She says as I quickly jump on with both feet and push off. I start sliding down the ramp, the first dip is easy, same with the next. The biggest one looms ahead and I brace myself for it. I slide down and start on the ramp but I'm leaning back to much. My body unbalances and I start falling right backwards. In a split second movement I jump to the side and land on the net, breathing deep. I look up at Fern, she has her hands over her mouth and takes a deep breath. I could have fallen backwards and hit my head.

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