Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ~ Obstacle course

I head off to the obstacle course next. As I climb the ladder I can feel my hands are sweaty. Just don't think about the nights Rani. I reach the top eventually and step onto the platform. Looking ahead I see the course.

It starts with a long beam that gets thinner and thinner. To the sides of the beam is foam balls that swing back and forth. At the end of the beam is three diagonal beams that get higher each time. I see that they move up and down a bit. After that is another platform that has four swings in front of it. You have to go from swing to swing to reach the next platform. After that platform is a long wooden bridge with no railings or anything to hold onto. It's a long bridge that sways with every step. After that is the last platform before three trapezes. At the end of the trapezes is the exit to the ground floor. I gulp as I line up.

Soon it's my turn to which I'm terrified. I step onto the thick beam that is about half a meter wide at the start and only a foot wide at the end. I walk along it pretty scared. The first foam ball swings in front of me and I step past. I wait for the second before passing it. I know there's one more as I look to the sides to try and spot it. I look to my right just in time to see the foam ball swinging toward me. I grab hold of it and swing with it as it goes. My hair is in my face as it swings. As it goes back I land perfectly on the beam and reach the end breathing heavy. I look at the moving beams and jump onto the first one. It moves awkwardly up and down as I lunge at the next one. I land on my feet and stare at the last. Jumping towards it my hands grab the edge of it and I climb on. I catch my breath as I land on the last platform. Looking ahead at the swings I smile. This looks easy. Boy am I wrong. I start on the first and swing it back and forth. It's really hard to reach the next one but somehow I do. I swing the second one back and froth and jump hard at the next. My arms grab hold of the swing as it moves. I'm dangling from it and I have no idea on how to get up. I swing it back and forth and grab the next swing. This way is a but easier but landing the last platform won't. As soon as I'm in arms reach I grab hold and hold tight. There's a rope hanging on the side so I use it to pull myself up.

"Your going good Rani!" Calls up Skye. I look down below the net to see her, River and Fern watching. I wave back at them and keep going.

Part 2 coming soon....

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