Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 ~ Steel problems

Once outside the arena Steel comes over.

"So, your better than I thought." He says, standing tall like he's someone important.

"Than you thought? Your ok too I guess. But you need to concentrate more on your aim and not I don't know... Showing off?" Says River.

"Don't you tell me what to do miss perfect."

"I'm not perfect, no one is." She replies, I can tell she's getting annoyed again. She normally doesn't have a temper, only when someone really bothers her. Someone like this guy.

"Yeah I can see your not perfect." He replies brushing his blonde, almost white, hair to the side.

"What do you mean?" Asks River, her face getting red again.

"You know what I mean." He says.

"Excuse me you... piece of Metal-" Says River angrily. "-you have no right to talk to me the way you are. Haven't you ever learnt if you can't say anything nice to nit say anything at all!" That gets Steel annoyed.

He pushes his hands out and blasts River with metal cubes. She falls backwards and is about to get up when he jumps by her and starts generating some more cubes. River gets up just as he makes the cubes into two metal swords. He throws one towards River who catches it in a bubble of water. She takes the water away and holds the sword as Steel starts rushing towards her. Skye, Fern and I stand to the side as River sets her sword on fire. Steel tries to hit River but she blocks. He twists his sword around Rivers and pulls it away. It hits the floor and I pick it up. By now there's a few people watching from a distance. River makes a wall of Fire around her and Steel shoots some metal cubes through. I can hear that the cubes have touched River. Some water fizzes through the fire as she washes the cubes off herself.

"Stop!" Calls a voice over the main system. River takes the fire away but Steel keeps his sword. We look it the entrance to see the manager coming out. Steel makes a weird growling noise as the manager comes over.

"No fighting outside the fighting arena. Steel can I see you now." He says to Steel. Instead Steal just throws his sword towards the manager. Somehow, my instincts react. A wall of thick water catches the sword just centre meters from the man. I take the water away and the sword drops to the floor.

"Steel. My office, NOW." He says fiercely. Steel sighs an annoyed sigh and follows the manager away.

"That boy is confused." Says River breathing deeply. She's obviously tired from all the fighting.

"Are you ok?" I ask her as she nods slowly.

"Just, really, tired." She puffs.

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