Chapter 23 - The Ending and sneak peaks

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Chapter 23

"What did he mean the metal kingdom is coming?" I ask River as she paces back and forth along our room. Fern has gone home as it's late now.

"Obviously something big is going to happen." She replies, jumping onto her bed.

"But should we stay here?" Asks Skye, obviously worried.

"I'm not sure. If Metal is coming it would be a good idea to leave." Replies River.

"Well then we need to leave." I reply. "To somewhere safer."

End of book 2! Hope you enjoyed! I know, weird ending, but that's why I'm writing another book! Yay! Book 3 is coming soon. In the meantime here is the story for book 3.

The metal kingdom is conducting a nation wide search. Attempting to find Rani and River who has now exposed themselves as Multi-elemental. They must leave the Earth kingdom and venture out to other nations. But when they end up in electricity everything is not what it seems. The metal kingdom has spies everywhere. Who can they trust in a new land? And what happens when another Multi-elemental joins the wanted list?

Also at the point when this is published I have only written the first 4 chapters of it and I'm kind of on writers block but I will update it. It will be up right now too so go check it out!

Thanks for reading and make sure to tell me your ideas and thoughts! ⭐️vote⭐️ :)

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