Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 ~ Metallic problems

I stand at the start of the monkey bars in line with the others. River is at the feint followed by Fern and then Skye. I'm up the back with no one behind me.

"It's so peaceful here." Says Skye sighing. It's quieter up here and less hot.

"I guess." Says River as we sit down waiting our turn. "Wait, what's that?" I look to where she's pointing. At the entrance stands Steel with four men behind him. They all have Metal uniforms on.

"Dang it." I say to myself edging back from the side.

"Who are they?" Asks Fern.

"The Metal kingdom. And I'm pretty sure they're here for me." I reply as we all edge away.

We watch carefully, making sure not to be seen, from our spot up on the platform. Steel is talking to them. They nod and spread out. One is coming up the Zip board ladder, one to the target zone, one to the fighting arenas and one is coming up our ladder. Steel is standing at the entrance, guarding it, and watching.

"Is Steel working with them?" Asks Fern.

"I think so." River replies.

"But he used to be so nice." Says Fern and we all turn to look at her. "He used to help out the little kids and train the grown ups. I think he has trained his Metal up to almost the whole way." My mouth is dry and I'm barely listening. If he is here and after me I can't let him hurt anyone. My attention suddenly snaps back to the fact one is coming up our ladder. I look over the edge to see him concentrating on climbing.

Holding on to the top rung I start making some droplets of water drop down, not much. Just enough to the wet the rungs. He grabs the next ring to see its wet. Looking up he gets a few drops on his face and I watch as he slips. He plummets to the ground but catches himself with metal like I knew he would.

"You have to go somewhere safer Rani." Says Fern and I nod. It's not my turn on the bars but I jump on.

"Sorry." I say to the person behind me as I start swinging along.

Will she be found out? Is a battle coming? Stay tuned! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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