Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 ~ The Chase!

I keep swinging my arms, one after the other. Obviously I'm getting tired, I'm hanging from my arms on monkey bars suspended high above a net.

"Hey you!" Calls a voice from below. I look down but keep swinging. It's another guard. He fires up some metal cubes and I dodge most of them and kick the other out of the way. The end is only a few swings away and I reach it soon enough.

It's just like a chase seen in a movie, the hero running away in some exotic way while the villain chases and falls. Except in this 'movie' the villain can actually swing, and pretty fast. Somehow he's gotten back up.

I look down at the ladder. There's some people coming up now and I can't jump on their heads! I sit on the edge and swing down holding on with my hands. I'm out of the way of the people climbing up now and I jump down. Letting go I fall down but land using my water. I glance up briefly to see another guard behind my friends. One grabs Rivers arm above the elbow to which she fires him off, with fire. Skye dives down to the ground as if she's jumping into a pool and lands using her air. Her hair blows back and she runs over to me, blowing a guard out of her way.

"Hey." Is all we say to each other as Steel looks on. The guard from above swings down and makes metal gloves. I bet he's been taught that by Steel. Using my fire I heat up the fire and he melts the metal. Next I wash him off his feet with water and push him meters away. Another guard comes running and Skye throws him back with her air. The other two are coming down. Fern is behind them, being a quiet as she can. She quickly makes two balls of dirt and fires them, hitting the two in the back. They spin around and Fern makes two vines come out of the ground and block them off from her.

What will happen now? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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