Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 ~ Steely River

"Ok you two, nothing too dangerous ok?" Says the red as the bell goes. River nods but Steel doesn't. His eyes have changed from a light silver to a dark grey.

"Creepy." Whispers Fern as they just stand there.

River makes the first move, kicking with her foot into air causing a blast of water to wash towards him. He dodges and punches forward from metal. River catches it in the water and drops it to the ground. Steel holds his hands at his side and River tries to figure out what he's doing. Suddenly metal starts enclosing his hand, like a glove.

"Metal gloves." Says Fern.

River fires some water but he blocks with his gloves. He then smiles as he realises he is pretty powerful right now. River starts smiling like mad for some reason and I see why. She blasts some fire at his gloves and it starts to melt. Steel didn't see that coming and melts the metal away.

"This is so close!" Whispers someone in the crowd. Looking around I see almost everyone in the centre is watching this battle. They must all know about what happened last time.

River lifts her foot and pounds it onto the ground. Water starts coming from under it and is rising fast when she adds her hands.

"What are you doing!" Says Steel, keeping his head above water.

"I won't drown you silly." She replies diving under. It reaches a head space before the glass roof and Steel stays there. River dives under and waves at me. She's done what I did in Stream. Get those memories out of your head Rani, it's over now. I think to myself trying to push them away. I do just in time to see the bell go and River fade all the water away. She's left standing, drenched and dripping wet. Steel has somehow kept his hair dry, of course.

They come out together.

"Good fight." Says River.

"Yeah what ever." Replies Steel looking at how wet he is.

"I can help." Says River holding her hand towards him. She drags the water out of his clothes and turns it into a ball. Next she takes her water off and adds it to the ball before making it all disappear.

How was that? Do you like the fights? Let me just explain something. When they get hit by fire or whatever it doesn't burn them or anything. It just feels a but painful, not like a punch or anything but yeah. Any questions ask me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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