Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 ~ Water Steel

"Good game." Says the giro coming over, her blonde hair a mess.

"Thanks. I'm Skye by the way." Says Skye shaking the girls hand.

"I'm Elysia. Thanks for the fight." She says walking off towards the change rooms.

Skye finishes drinking and we go our separate ways. She heads to the running track and I go up to try the zip board again. I climb up to the platform and see Fern to the side of the short line looking down at the target area.

"Fern?" I say, tapping her shoulder. She zips around and let's out a deep breath as she sees it's just me.

"You scared me! I was just watching River down at the target station. She makes a human out of water and sculpts it to look pretty much exactly like Steel and shoots targets at it." Laughs Fern as I watch River sculpting from a distance. Iv always known she was artistic, it's a hobby of hers, and a talent.

We watch as she picks up a dagger and encases it in water. She then floats it to the side and continues picking up four more daggers and floating them into a line, all covered in water. River then lines them up in one straight line and sends them flying straight into water steel. They all go threw the body of water and it splashes apart. That makes River look happy as she cleans up the water and makes it fade away.

What do you think of Rivers activities? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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