Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 ~ obstacle course part 2

It starts with a long beam that gets thinner and thinner. To the sides of the beam is foam balls that swing back and forth. At the end of the beam is three diagonal beams that get higher each time. I see that they move up and down a bit. After that is another platform that has four swings in front of it. You have to go from swing to swing to reach the next platform. After that platform is a long wooden bridge with no railings or anything to hold onto. It's a long bridge that sways with every step. After that is the last platform before three trapezes. At the end of the trapezes is the exit to the ground floor. I gulp as I line up.

Looking along the wooden bridge before me I gulp. I place one foot on and it wobbles like crazy. Great. Bending down I go on all fours and start crawling across. That doesn't stop it from wobbling like mad though but I reach the end quicker. Stepping onto the firm ground of the platform I smile at myself for coming this far. I must have become way more brave since the metal war. But my smile turns into a frown at the trapezes. The first one is a jump away but still frightening. I take a deep breath and jump. My finger tips grasp the bar but aren't string enough. I fall down, landing on the net. I hear some people groan as I climb off. I'll try again another day.

Once on the floor I go straight to the medical counter.

"You seem pretty tired. That will effect your element spells, what element are you?" Asks the woman behind the counter, her blonde hair out at her shoulders.

"I'm um... Multi-elemental." I reply and she seems surprised.

"Are you Rani Inferno?" I nod as she grabs a bowl and two bottles. One bottle is blue and the other is red. She tips in half blue and half the red. The liquid becomes a beautiful purple colour as she stirs it with her finger from above the liquid. She must be of air element becomes a small breeze is coming from her finger. Finally she takes out an empty bottle and fills it with the liquid.

"Here you go Rani. It should heal both your element powers. Just give it a few minutes to work." She says passing me the bottle. I thank her and walk over to a bench and drink some of the liquid. Looking up I see River on the obstacle course, just as she swings onto the final platform. I clap as she comes down and over to me.

"Hey Rani. What are you drinking?" She asks, sitting by me.

"A drink that helps fire and water." I reply, giving her a bit to drink.

"Tastes hit and cold at the same time." She comments, passing it back. "Like boiled water and ice cream, but more delicious."

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