Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 ~ stations

Looking around the centre from the ground I try to spot River. She's on one of the fighting mat rooms and is battling another girl her age with dark brown hair in one pony tail. The girl is blasting River with some leaves until she blocks with some fire. Obviously she doesn't mind showing everyone that she is Multi-elemental. I walk over to the box and watch from the side as the other girl jumps out of the war of Rivers fire. A bell sounds quietly inside the box and the glass door is opened. They come out and go their own ways.

"Good job River, but you don't look so good." I say, pointing out the obvious. She has scratches all over her from the leaves.

"It will heal soon enough." She replies. River walks off towards some counter near the front entrance. I watch as she's given a bottle of what I can guess is a healing potion.

Looking around I spot Skye at the target zone shooting an arrow with her air. I go over as she picks up another one.

"What you doing?" I ask her as she picks up the arrow.

"Shooting the target with my air. Another girl, I think her name was Fern, showed me how." She replies.

"I met Fern. She seemed nice. Let me have a try at this." I say pointing to the arrows. Skye nods and I pick up one. Looking at the target I throw the arrow in the air. Using some water I incase the arrow in it and fire it straight at the target. It hits the centre and I smile.

"It's cool isn't it?"

"Defiantly." I reply as she tries again with her air.

Sorry about the short chapter! Thanks for the 250+ reads on book 1 Water, it means a lot! 😀 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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