Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 ~ Element fight

I'm now at the fighting station. The last fight between fire and electricity was amazing. The doors open to the huge glass cube and I step inside. Looking across to see my opponent I gasp. It's Fern, her expression like mine.

"Let's not try to kill each other, ok?" She says and I nod as the bell goes. We start circling each other.

"Are you going to use both your elements?" Asks Fern.

"Yep, I need to practice." I reply and she nods.

She makes the first move, firing some leaves at me like Rivers opponent did. I throw up a wall of fire to burn the leaves. Only a few scratch me as she stops. Next she makes some dirt and throws them at me in blasts. I meet it with my water and we push the two elements against each other. Fern moves her arms back a bit and my water overpowers more. Then she pushes harder and I slid back a bit before pushing harder. Using this much power is hard on our arms. Like running on legs, it's tiring. My arms are getting tired of pushing but I keep going. Fern is getting tired too and the people outside are looking bored. I take a deal breath and stop shooting and duck out of the way as the dirt just the glass wall. Fern looks exhausted and I'm sure I do to. Next I throw a fire ball towards her to which she hits back with a huge stick. The stick disappears and she breaths deeply. I form a ball of water and throw it behind her. It pushes against the back of her knee and she fellas backwards with a thud. I take my chance and throw a water ball at her as she sits up. Fern makes another two sticks and uses them to stop the water. She jumps up and I throw more water her way. She crosses the sticks over and is pushed back by the water. I then use fire and the sticks start burning. She drops them and we look at the burning sticks. Fern makes them fade away as the bell goes. We shake hands and go out.

"Good fight." Says Skye as we go over to her.

"Thanks." I reply, noticing River behind her. Rivers scratches are all gone, probably thanks to some kind of magic.

"Here girls." She says handing us each one of the healing potions.

"I found out its name. It's called Remondic." Says Skye as we drink the orange liquid.

"Tastes like fruit." Comments Fern smiling.

"It's fruit flavoured." Replies Skye.

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