Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 ~ Electricity vs the Sky

I just watch as the bell goes. The girl straight away shoots out a bolt of electricity. It hits Skye perfectly and I flinch as she falls down. She jumps right up and fires back with some of her wind, blowing her against the glass. Skye stops blowing as the girl starts creating an electric ball. I see Skye backing away but abruptly hitting her back to the glass. The girl throws it forward and it goes in slow motion. Skye pushes, from her place on the wall, a strong gust of air towards the girl. It's met with her electric wall and lighting pushing it forward. They push forward and back. The other girl doesn't look tired but Skye does. The other girl seems stronger too. The force is pushing Skye against the glass. Skye is now using just one hand, letting the other hang loose. Suddenly the other girl stops and so does Skye. They catch their breath before the other girl uses her electricity form both her hands. Each hand controls a different lighting string. The string is moving towards Skye and soon attaches to her wrists. It pushes Skye back again and the other girl smiles. I look at Skye and her hands. I smile as I realise what Skye is doing. With her right hand she is making a small tornado behind the other girl. The other girl turns around and is caught into the swirl that is spinning her round and round. She let's go of Skye's wrists and Skye keeps the tornado going. Skye stops it and the girl stops spinning. The girl gets down on her knees and tries to gain balance just as the bell goes. The doors are opened and the other girl can't get up. Skye goes out and brings back an anti dizzy potion. The girl snatches is and drinks it. Straight away she gets up and walks in the opposite direction.

"That was good tactics Skye." I say and she nods, sitting by me.

"It was fun." She replies, drinking some of her own drink.

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