Chapter 63: Breakfast & Revelations

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Adriana snuck Drake past her living room where Chris was sleeping and up the stairs to her bedroom. He kicked his shoes off and crawled into her bed. "What are you doing Aubrey?" She asked him and laughed.

"Your bed is comfortable and I'm still tired. I have to stay in here anyway, might as well get a little sleep."

Adriana laughed again. "Okay. I'm going to change and then get my babies ready for school. I'll be right back here after I drop them off. If you happen to go out there after I leave and run into Chris, be nice to him please?"

Drake furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Be nice? You say that like I've been mean to him before. I've never even met him. You don't have to worry about that though. I don't plan on leaving this bed until you come back. Now give me a kiss so I can go to sleep."

Adriana smiled and shook her head but she walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips. "For the record, your bed is just as comfortable as mine."

"Exactly!" He told her before closing his eyes.

Adriana smiled at him laying comfortably in her bed then turned around and went in her closet. She picked out some black jeans and a red t-shirt then went in her bathroom to change thankful that she had taken a shower before she left Drake's house. She came out and grabbed some socks and slipped on her black and red Jordan 13 retro's. She went and woke the kids up and made sure they were dressed for school and walked them downstairs. She sat them in the stools on one side of her island and walked around to the other side. "What do my babies want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" Santana and Selena yelled in unison.

Adriana brought her finger to her lips showing them they needed to keep it down. "You have to use inside voices. Chris is sleeping on the couch remember?"

They covered their little mouths with their hands. Then they pulled them away and quietly whispered. "Pancakes."

Adriana smiled at how cute they were. "Pancakes, got it. What else?"

"Turkey bacon" Santana said.

"Okay, we can do that."

"And can we have strawberries on the side?" Selena asked.

"Of course you can!" Adriana smiled at them. "Did you guys have fun with Chris last night?"

"Yeah!" They both said excitedly but quietly.

"He let us have ice cream." Selena said.

"He did?"

Selena nodded yes with a big grin on her face.

"Yeah, we ate it down here in the kitchen so we wouldn't make a mess in your bed Mommy." Santana said.

"Awww well I appreciate that honey bunch. Mommy wouldn't want to sleep in a bed full of ice cream!" She grinned at them and they both giggled. She grabbed the items she needed and started making breakfast while talking to them about their night. While they ate she cleaned up kitchen and when they were finished she walked them back upstairs to brush their teeth and get their backpacks. Then they quietly walked out the front door so she could take them to school.


Chris woke up and walked to the bathroom. Once he finished up in there he walked into the kitchen to get a bottled water. He noticed the two small plates in the sink. He looked at the clock to see what time it was and knew Adriana had already left to take the kids to school and would be back soon. He was drinking from his water bottle when he thought he heard footsteps upstairs. He stopped drinking and listened to make sure it was what he thought he was hearing. That's when he heard a door clothes. "Dria? Are you back already?" He shouted. He looked at the clock again. There was no way she was back already. Was there? He thought to himself. He put the bottle down and walked up the stairs to Adriana's bedroom door because that's where he'd heard the noise come from. He stood in front of the door and listened. It was quiet. He was about to turn away when he heard the toilet flush. He lifted his hand up to knock on the door then he heard the front door open and close. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Dria?" He called downstairs.

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