Chapter 126: Still Yours

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If there was one thing Adriana hated it was LA traffic. All she wanted to do was get back to the hospital and be by Drake's side. She hadn't wanted to leave him but both he and Sandi had talked her into going to work. Drake told her he didn't want her neglecting her work to sit in a hospital with him all day. He assured her he would be fine and Sandi promised to give her hourly updates on him. Drake had let her know that they would be discharging him and she wanted to be there when he go to go home. When he told her they were discharging him she knew that what he really meant was that he talked them into letting him go home. He didn't want to be there in that hospital bed and she didn't blame him. But she also wanted him to be okay. She had plans on talking to the nurse to see how all his test results came back. Also, to ask her about what she and Sandi would need to watch for and what they could do all together to make sure he was okay and styed that way. She knew Sandi wasn't about to leave his side so soon either.

Yesterday after he'd woken up and everyone had gotten a chance to see him she stayed with him. He tried to get her to go home and sleep in her bed but she refused. Instead she'd climbed in the tiny hospital bed with him and fallen asleep to a low tune he was humming to her. While they were alone they hadn't talked about what was going to happen between them next. They had just allowed themselves to enjoy each others company. Adriana knew that conversation needed to be had and that was the one reason she was actually eager to get to him and take him home. So they could finally talk with privacy. No possibility of a nurse or a new visitor coming in. Drake had laid all his cards on the table for her prior to the accident and she had turned him away. Now it was her turn to let him know how she really felt. She had to let him know that he was the one for her, that he still had her heart and always would. "I'm still yours Papi." she said out loud but to herself.

She was thankful she hadn't had a run in with the paparazzi cause they were definitely roaming outside the hospital. She walked the king halls of the hospital and when she open e the door to Drake's room her steps came to an instant halt. Robin fucking Fenty sat at Drake's bedside with his hand in hers. On the inside Adriana was fuming, on the outside she kept her composure. This was a hospital and she was not about to act a fool. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor, the nurse didn't say anything. I'll come back."

Drake pulled his hand away from Rihanna's and sat up in his bed as much as he could. "No, don't go. Robyn was just leaving." Drake said glancing at Rihanna then looking back at Adriana.

"Robyn just got here." Rihanna objected.

Drake was about to say something but Adriana spoke first. "It's okay Aubrey, I'll give you two a minute. I promise I won't go far."

Drake sighed and nodded. When she turned around to step out the door the same nurse from yesterday was stepping in. "Oh, Mrs. Graham, you're back! Excited to take Mr. Graham home I'm sure?!" she said all smiles.

Adriana smiled back at her then turned to look at Drake and Rihanna. Drake had an amused grin on his face. Rihanna, however, was not so amused. Adriana turned back to the nurse. "Yes ma'am. It's time to take him home. I'm going to make sure everything is ready for him while he finishes up his last visit here. Thank you so much for taking such good care of him. It means the world to me, to us." she said tossing a glance Drake's way once again.

"Oh it was my pleasure. He was such a polite patient and all of you folks were very polite as well."

"Thank you for that. " Drake spoke next.

She smiled and nodded. "I came in to check your vitals one last time before you are discharged."

"Please, by all means." Drake said.

With that Adriana left the room and went in search of Chubbs and Sandi. She wondered if Chubbs knew Rihanna was in the building. Surely he would have thought to give her a heads up right? Maybe not. It didn't matter. Whether Drake and Rihanna were together or not, Rihanna had every right to be worried about him and come and check on him. There was a lot of history there. She couldn't just stop caring about him. She took a deep breath as she continued walking down the hall. "Calm down girl. He doesn't want her, he wants you." She said whispering to herself. Then she let out a giggle and shook her head thinking about how ridiculous she was for walking down the hall talking to herself.

When she entered the waiting room she greeted everyone and walked over to Sandi to give her a hug. "Hi sweetheart. Before you go in to see my son I should tell you who's in there with him." Sandi told her.

Adriana smiled. "That won't be necessary. I've already been in the room. I told Aubrey I'd give them a minute and be back." Behind them she saw Chubbs let out a sigh of relief and she giggled internally. She focused her attention on him. "Is everything set to get him home when it's time?"

Chubbs nodded and stepped closer to them. "Yes. He'll be going with you, with some security of course. The rest of us will leave before you so that all attention will be on us. They'll no doubt think we have Aubs so you guys should be in the clear. If I'm honest, her being here kinds of helps us because they'll want to get photos of her as well." Chubbs said. He didn't want to say her name and he was certain he didn't need to. He knew Adriana knew exactly who the "her" he was referring to was.

Adriana nodded. "I can't argue that. I take it Tori went home to be with the baby?"

Chubbs nodded. "Yeah. She missed him and I told her she needed to try to get some sleep too. I told her to nap when the baby naps."

Adriana smiled. "Look at you sounding like an expert parent already. Okay!"

Chubbs laughed. "I got that from her. She said she got it from you."

Adriana nodded. "Yeah I think I remember saying that to her. I think we all say that. But then when the baby is taking a nap we want to use that as our alone time no matter how exhausted we are." Adriana giggled.

"That's definitely true." Sandi added. "When I had Aubrey everyone was always telling me to nap when he napped but I always used that time to do other things or just to watch him sleep. He was a very good baby, very happy."

Adriana smiled and nodded. "I don't doubt that for one second."


"You know you didn't have to come and see me." Drake told Rihanna once they were alone again.

"I was worried about you. Believe it or not I really do love you."

Drake sighed. "Robyn let's not do this okay? It's always gonna be all love, you know that. But this, whatever could have been between us, it's done. Once upon a time I dreamed of having a family with you. That dream died. I no longer want that. I want a family, but not with you."

Rihanna looked into his eyes for what seemed like forever before she finally spoke again. "You really mean that don't you?"

Drake could see the hurt in her eyes and though he hated it, he had to be honest. "I do, I really do." He reached for her hand. He was sure she was gonna pull away but she didn't. "I'll always have love for you Robyn, but we're not meant to be."

"Maybe you're right."

Drake's eyebrows rose slowly. This wasn't the first time he'd told her they weren't meant to be. But it was the first time he actually meant it and it was the first time she didn't try to argue the fact. "Are we good?" 

Rihanna nodded. "Yeah, we're good."

Drake smiled. "Good."


With Rihanna's help, the plan to keep the paparazzi away from Drake worked like a charm. Adriana sat with him in the back seat of her SUV while one of the members of his security team drove and the other rode shotgun. "How are you feeling?" she asked taking his good hand in hers.

"I'm good baby girl. Happy to be going home. I can't stand hospitals."

Adriana nodded. While she worked at a hospital for years and didn't mind it, being there as a patient was a different story and she knew exactly how he felt. "I'm happy you're going home too. Seeing you in that bed like that....." she paused and her eyes got watery. "I never want to see you like that again."

"Hey, don't cry. I'm okay. Look at me, I'm fine and I'm going home." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. "I'm still here."

She looked at him and smiled. "And I'm still yours Papi." Having two other people in the car with them wasn't exactly the privacy she wanted but they would go into more details later. She couldn't pass up the moment to say it. Drake smiled back at her and her heart melted. This man was everything to her. How had she even considered not having him in her life? It was insanity.

"Promise?" It was one word but it held all the hope in the world for him.

She nodded. "Forever, and even after that."

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