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Liam didn't come to school for 3 days after the funeral, which I understand why, like obviously. Even after he resumed, he was the quietest I've ever seen him.

Harper & I tried to spend as much time as we could with him, trying to distract him, but nothing helped. On like our hundredth attempt, he told us he needed space. We both didn't know what to do, but then he pleaded and said he would tell us if he needed help and so we finally agreed and.... It has been a week.

It feels odd sitting at the cafeteria with no Lame Liam jokes being cracked, but I guess we have to work with it.

"So Brooks, spill the tea" Harper said putting her elbows, on the table and resting her chin on her hands. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say, chewing my ham sandwich. I totally know what she's talking about. How? Well, my life doesn't stray from it's usual boring pattern very often.

She narrows her eyes into tiny slits, "Oh yes you do Ma'am. Don't think I would forget about Luke reaching you to Liam's, so easily." I roll my eyes, "That was nothing. I was searching for you'll, met him on the way, he made some stupid comments, I left. Went to my locker, saw the note, came rushing out and met him again. He offered to drive me to Liam's and I gave in coz I was in a hurry. End of story. Found anything interesting?" I ask her after narrating the incidents.

"He offered to drive you? Aww. Wait what happened on the way?" she asks curiously and I shrug, "Nothing much. I just mostly told him directions."

"Did the lights ever turn red?" She asks, her eyes twinkling. "How did you know??" I ask her, horrified. Sometimes I wonder if she has installed secret cameras everywhere I go. She shrugs, "Every love story." "This is not a love story and never will be." I say and she shrugs, "Whatever you say Brooks." "You really need to stop reading those romance novels, you know ?" I shake my head and she pouts, "Hey don't insult my taste in reading ok? At least I don't read about Half-Bloods and-"

"Oh you stop right there. Nobody insults Percy Jackson in front of me young lady. And what kind of a human are you? Who doesn't like Percy Jackson?"

She shakes her head, "Ok, whatever. But it's still so cute that he offered to drive you." She grins excitedly and claps her hands. I roll my eyes at this kid I call my best friend.

"Skittles, what's up!" Luke slides next to me on my seat and David, next to Harp, opposite me. "What do you want now?" I groan & glance at Harper, whose face is red as a tomato.

"Don't get so annoyed Skittles, we just came to talk to you and your best friend here." He smirks. "See, I don't want people to look here and think I'm crazy for talking to an animal, so Luke please get out of here and take your fellow farm mate along" I reply, mirroring his expression and he scowls.

"By the looks of it, you don't seem to mind." David adds, smirking. "I don't know if you either need glasses or you just can't read expressions, but I do mind." I reply. "Ooh being sassy here are we? But your friend surely doesn't mind us being here. Look at her, blushing and all." His smirk grew even more and he winks at Harp, nudging her. "What? Pfft no I don't, I mean sorry I do! Yes I do!" Harper's face was shaded the deepest colour of red now.

I roll my eyes at her and the two boys burst out laughing. "Keep the I do's for the future darling. We're not ready yet." David chuckles. Oh goodness these people are so frustrating! How did I ever crush on David in the first place? Ah right, I didn't how infuriating he can be. Never judge a guy by their looks, girls.

Students around us started giving us weird looks and the girls were glaring at us, as if waiting to kill.

"Ok guys, people are staring at now. You two can leave. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation now, would you?" Harp laughs, rather nervously. "Oh no sweethearts, I'm not done yet." Luke stood up on the bench, causing us all to give him a confused stare. Including David.

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