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The night didn't go at all as I expected.

I thought I would get the peace of mind to think, since I would be alone, and eventually fall asleep. But now I've done way too much thinking and I don't have even an ounce of sleep in my body.

I sigh and open Instagram, aimlessly scrolling in hope of getting some sleep, but it doesn't work.

As I'm about to keep my phone on the bedside table, it rings. Who the heck is calling me at 2:30 in the night? I check it and see that it's Luke.

"Hey Skittles. Having trouble sleeping?" he asks into the phone.

I raise my brow, "How did you know?"

"I read minds." he says in a dramatic voice and I roll my eyes.

"Okay jokes apart. I saw you active on Instagram." He confesses.

"Seriously Johnson, are you stalking me?" I joke and he snorts, "You wish Skittles." There's silence on the other side until he realizes what he just said, "Oh! The 'you wish'. Oh God, I just realized. That was hilarious Skittles." He bursts out laughing on the other side. "Haha so funny, I have tears rolling down my eyes." I sardonically say.

He clears his throat and his tone changes completely, " what you found out today keeping you up?"

I sigh, "Yeah. I thought I would get to think and then get some sleep. But it's just not working. I've been laying in my bed just staring at the ceiling for more than an hour now." He chuckles lightly from the other end. "So what about you? Why are you up?" I ask. "Eh I don't really sleep early." He replies. "It's 2:30 AM Luke. It's not early." I deadpan and there's silence.

Shit did I upset him? I think I shouldn't have said that. It was pretty mean, the way I said it. I'm about to apologize when he speaks, "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks gently and I stupidly mutter, "Huh?"

"About today Skittles. Will talking about it help you sleep better?" he asks as if I'm a little child. Why is he being so nice to me? I'm sure he knows about everything because he too was there and oh god, he saw me cry again.

I bet he thinks I'm a cry baby now because of it. "I don't think you're a cry baby Skittles. I think you're pretty strong for handling it the way you are. I admire you for that." He says.

Oh goodness I should really stop saying everything out loud.

A comfortable silence settles between us and I hear his soft breathing going in the same pace as mine.

"Skittles?" he says, finally breaking the silence.


"Do you need someone with you now?"

My heart rate increases at his words, "I don't know Luke. I thought being alone would help me, but I think it's just driving my thoughts crazy. My dad, the person I loved is the person I'm disgusted by, now, Luke. I don't know what to feel anymore." I don't even know if I'm making sense right now but Luke seemed to get me.

"Hmm, I'm coming over Skittles. Open your door."

"But Luke, how-" He had already cut the call.

I go to my door and open it, and in a few seconds, Luke is already there. He engulfs me in a tight hug and leans his cheek on my head. He's wearing a grey sleeveless t-shirt which exposes his muscles and I try my very best not to stare at them.

I relax under his touch and hug him closer, listening to his heart beating. Very fast,I must say.

We go into my room and I lie down on my bed. I've never had a guy other than Liam in my room at night and that's supposed to make me worried and nervous about Luke. But instead I just feel calm and protected.

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