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"Skittles, you should stop working so much. Seriously you're going to tire yourself out." Luke says, plopping beside me on the sofa and shutting my laptop. I groan and turn my head to face his, just a few inches away. 

"Can we go upstairs?" He whispers, causing Gracie and Gabriela, our 14-year-old twin daughters to choke on their apple juice, on the sofas in front of us, "We're going to pretend we didn't hear that." We roll our eyes.

I clear my throat and move back, keeping my laptop aside, "I just thought of something." I grin and Luke leans his head back, groaning, "Oh god there she goes again."

"I remember the day I first Skittatled into your life, you know?" I grin proudly. Luke looks at me with a sympathetic face, "God, who did I marry?"

"The girl you love."

"Yeah I'm questioning my choice now."

"Honey, I've been doing that for the past 21 years now." I smirk as he gapes at me.

The twins burst out laughing, "Wow mum, that was a good one!" Gracie says, high-fiving me. Luke narrows his eyes at her, "I need a guy around here to support me. Where's your little brother when I need him?"

"I'm here dad and I'm NOT little anymore." Our 10-year-old son, Fransisco walks into the living room. He plonks himself on the couch between Luke and me and Gabbie snickers, "You're sitting in between mum and dad Franc, you are little."

Franc's face reddens and he gets up. I pull him back down, "Don't listen to them Frano. You're not little if you sit in between mum and dad."

"Yeah boy." Luke ruffles his hair making the twins chuckle. I raise my brow at them and they quieten down immediately.

Having the mom glare come into use really boosts my confidence level, I must say.

There's a knock on the door, but before any of us can go to open it, our friends burst into the house, chattering loudly. Oh god, why did I ever decide to give Ryan the spare keys?

"Brooklyn!" David comes over and hugs me.

"Why do you guys even knock?" Luke asks with a blank face, still sitting down and Liam hits his back, "Manners bro." "Yeah I'm sure manners doesn't include bursting into someone's house after knocking." He rolls his eyes.

We all get up and hug each other. Liam and Rebecca got married a year after us and have 2 kids, Alex and Annie of ages 10 and 12 respectively.

Harp married Jonas, a guy she met in the fourth year of college and has one 15-year-old son, Jake.

David and Sabrina, didn't really work out in the end. But he married a very sassy but sweet girl called, Mariann and they have a 6-year-old boy, Marcus, together.

As for Ryan, that guy finally found his type to be someone almost similar to him, Charlotte. But even though they have a lot in common, they balance each other out. They have a baby girl, Emma, who is currently being surrounded by my twins, Luke and me. She's adorable. 

This. This is what I imagined my future as. All of us randomly meeting up along with our families and having a good time. My eyes roam around the whole room bustling with chats and laughter.

Alex, Marcus and Fransisco run to his room to play, while Jack and the girls remain back.

"So Gray and Gabbie, how is school?" Harp asked my daughters after we all settle down on the sofas. They smile and Gabbie replies, "It's good aunt Harp."

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