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"Wait so you'll had to adjust the whole thing again?" I ask shocked and Luke nods. He had called me to see the crib at night because he said that with the lights on and the darkness of the night, it would create the perfect feel. And yes it actually does.

The bell rings and before Luke can go, Rosanna and Chris are already on their way to the door. "Hi Mariann!" Rosanna hugs the lady and greets the rest of the family that includes the husband and two teenagers. 

"Who are they?" I whisper to Luke and he smiles, "My mom's sister and her family. Come, I'll introduce you to them." He holds my hand but I move back, "Why? No I'm fine, I'll just head to the room." He smirks, "Skittles it's better to introduce you'll now itself. Will save time in the future." He winks and I roll my eyes, "Still not going Luke."

He pulls me in anyways. I awkwardly settle beside him as all the attention moves to me. I give an uneasy smile, looking around. Luke greets the family and stands next to me again, "This is my girlfriend Brooklyn. Brooklyn this is uncle Tom, aunt Mariann and he's Alex and she's Eve." He refers to the teenagers last. I nod and shake their hands.

We all head to the veranda again, Alex asking me a little about myself on the way. He's a nice guy from what I've seen so far.

While Luke explained the process of making everything, his one hand held mine providing me some comfort among these strangers. The whole time, I feel Eve's gaze fixed on me and not in a very nice way. I decide to go back to his room to escape her stare.

"Luke you still didn't giv-oh shit." David stops like a deer caught in headlights, with the Iphone 11 box in his hands. I shut the door and narrow my eyes, "Luke threw out that box in the trash yesterday, how do you still have it? And how is it sealed?"

He opens his mouth and nods slowly, "He...didn't. Throw it. I think." I walk closer and he keeps the box behind him. "I saw him throw it." I say and he scoffs, "You must've been dreaming Brooks." I raise my brow at him and he mirrors my expression.

"I was 100% not." I say and he shrugs, keeping it back on the table behind some books. I narrow my eyes at him and move to get it but he blocks my way, "No. Don't. Luke is going to kill me."

I raise my brow, "Why?" He bites his lip and sighs, moving me away and standing straight, "Fine. Listen you can't tell him i told you though." I nod. "So he didnt know whether you would like the gift or not so he used the 'prank' as a way to find out. You didn't react well so he didn't give you the real phone."

I gape at him, "He actually got me an Iphone 11?!" He nods, "Why did you not accept it anyway? It's a freaking Iphone. Anyone would want it!"

"'s too much David. Why would he even buy something so expensive?"

"Because he's filthy rich and loves you. Now don't tell him I told you."

I bite my lip, looking at the box, "I want to ask him about it." David's eyes widen, "No Brooklyn! He will kill me. Don't." I shake my head, "Tell me where you found it. I won't tell him you told me." He stares at me with a pleading look but I just keep my eyebrow raised until he sighs, "In the drawer. Now I'm out of this. You were the one going through his stuff, not me."

I chuckle nervously and soon hear murmurs coming from outside. Luke's coming in along with who I assume are his cousins. I push David to the bed and stand backing the door in front of Luke's table.

"I mean it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Luke says as he walks in. I turn and see he and his cousins staring at me expectantly and that's when I take in the situation. I already feel like Eve doesn't like me. What if she tells her family about me being snobbish or mean when I talk to Luke about this? I think I'll just keep it for later.When she's not around to judge and be all intimidating.

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