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What the hell. What the actual hell.

No this can't be happening. It just can't.

What the-

Ryan Edwards is freaking going to be my step-brother.

What. The. Freak.

But it can't be. I remember dad telling me that Catherine's surname was Baker. And Ryan is an Edwards.

His eyes bore sympathetically into mine and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "Hey, Brooklyn."

"You two know each other?" Dad asks, pointing between the two of us. I finally get out of my initial shock and look at him, then back at Ryan who gives him a tight lipped smile and nod, "Yeah, um, do you mind if we uh, talk? Like go somewhere to talk?"

Dad nods, "Yeah sure, no problem. I trust you, Ryan."

Oh dad if only you knew how he had hurt your daughter, your opinion would change in a jiffy...or so I hope.

Ryan smiles and turns to me, "Can we go?" "No." I reply bluntly, taking him aback. Really? He thought I would just dilly-dally along with him anywhere? "Brooklyn, please. We need to talk, okay?" He says, his eyes pleading.

I glance at Catherine and see her looking nervously between us. I don't want her seeing her son get rejected so bluntly. Even though I strongly dislike Ryan and don't completely accept Catherine, I'm still human. So I hesitantly nod and walk outside with him.

"Wanna go to the café?" He asks, walking up to the car. "Just stop pretending like everything is fine and  tell me what the hell is going on Ryan." I sharply say, stopping in my tracks.

He sighs, "Listen Brooklyn, I know this is a lot for you to handle bu-"

"Ryan I just found out that my first boyfriend who cheated on me is my dad's fiancee's son! How the hell would you react in such a case, huh?" I shout, causing him to let out a huff, "Listen Brooklyn. I get that this is a lot okay? I just found out yesterday as well so just shut up and come with me. I will explain everything when we're sitting calmly. Just trust-"

I raise my brow and he rolls his eyes, "Fine don't. Just come though."

When we reach the café, we both get a cup of coffee and sit at a corner quietly for about 5 minutes before I grow impatient. "Ryan. Spill." I say, looking firmly at him.

He swallows and leans in front, his elbows on the table, "Okay so, I obviously didn't know about this earlier because if i did, then one, I would've told you and two, I would've never kissed you, like ew."

"Excuse me?" I ask, feeling offended. He shakes his head, "That's not what I meant. I meant like, 'I wouldn't kiss my to-be-sister' ew, not like, 'you were a bad kisser' ew. Because you weren't, to be honest...okay ew now this conversation is getting weird, moving on."

I crack a smile, despite myself. "Okay so how much do you not know?" He asks. "Just tell me everything." I say and he nods, "Fine so from the beginning it is. So we've already established the fact that Catherine is my mother." I nod.

"Yeah, so she's-well ok, um so my dad, he left her. Ok wait oh god this is hard." He groans. "Ryan take your time." I say softly. He gulps and looks down before nodding and looking back at me, "So my mom, Catherine, was a teen mom."

I lick my lips, to cover up my shock because I don't want him feeling weird or anything about it when he's explaining.

"So she became a mother at 17...our age." He pauses, "Yours actually. I'm already 18 now." He grins and I smile, "Oh, when was your birthday?" "12 January, but that's not the point. Sooo" he says, "She was a teen mom and when my dad found out, he accepted it and stayed with her until I was born and then things got hard with money and stuff and he decided he couldn't handle it and so he just-and so he just up and left. Her. Me. His family. He left mom alone. Edwards was his surname, which I had to unwillingly keep because of some stupid issue." He mutters, begrudgingly.

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