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David decided to stay the night at Luke's. Earlier, we had a little twin bonding session where we annoyed the heck out of Luke who was close to killing us. He didn't though. So that's good.

As I come out of the shower, I hear some pelting noise coming from outside my window. When I go to check, I flinch as another rock is thrown at our beloved Luke. I roll my eyes and slide the window open, "Luke do you think you're some kind of modern Romeo or something? This window could break." He grins, "It won't. They are some small pebbles I found in a container here. Anyway, David's gone for a shower, can I come over?"

This is something I always dreamed of as an early teen. Mainly because of Harp and her hopeless romantic stories. A cute guy living next door, we could talk at close to arm's length from each other's houses yada yada.

I grin and nod, about to shut the window to go and open the door for him but before I can completely shut it, he stops me, "Skittles." He says, "Keep it open." I furrow my brows and do so. "Now move." He orders and I raise my brow, "Luke you can die while jumping from there. You're not seriously planning on-oomph."

I fall back hard on the ground with Luke on top of me. Thank goodness the floor is carpeted or I would've had to bid goodbye to my back.

"Luke! Why did you have to do that?" I groan while his lips still hold that charming grin, "It has been on my bucket list for long and I couldn't let this opportunity pass." He balances himself on his elbows, but doesn't make any attempt to move from his position. He kisses my cheek, "I like seeing you blush around me, Skittles." I roll my eyes and push him off to the side and he pouts, "You're no fun."

"Yeah maybe if there wasn't any chance that one of the adults' could walk in on us like that, I would've been fun." I point out dryly and he chuckles, standing up and giving me a hand to do the same. "Okay, why'd you come? Weren't our earlier roasts enough?" I smirk and he narrows his eyes, "About that, we need to have a talk about who's team you're on. Your boyfriend's or that twin of yours."

I chuckle and leave the room to get my hair-tie from the bathroom shelf and when I return, I see him lazily slouched against the headboard of my bed, watching a football match.

Now is when I actually take in his entire look. He has on a dark blue hoodie with little white dots splattered around and...oh goodness. Grey sweatpants.

The room is extremely chilly because of the AC that he's put on...19?! Is he crazy?

"God, Luke I'm going to freeze to death here if the AC remains like this." I say, rubbing my arms as I shut the door. He looks at me and chuckles, extending his hand, "Come on here. I'll keep you warm." I blush as I get on the bed next to him and snuggle close to his chest while he covers the blanket tight over us.

"Wait, don't tell me we're going to be watching football now." I pull a face of disgust. He narrows his eyes, "Don't you dare insult football little girl."

"I'm not little." I counter.

"Oh yes you are. First, you're born a month after me and second, have you seen your height?" He laughs and I gape at him, "Excuse me, 5 foot 7 is a good height for a girl okay? And just because you're a-a giraffe and everything looks tiny from that height, doesn't mean it really is." I cross my arms over my chest defensively and he chuckles, "Ok so I'm back to being a giraffe. How lovely." I smile, rolling my eyes and change to a movie channel.

"How to Train your Dragon? Really?" Luke groans. I slap his chest, "What kind of a human are you? Which idiot doesn't love Toothless?"

"Your idiot." He winks and I raise my brow, shaking my head, "How did I end up dating you again?"

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