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I look back at Liam who gulps but puts on a strong face. Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear dad's voice booming from behind the door. He sounded like he was talking to someone. He said he was out though, didn't he?

Elvis Presley continued singing his classics as the laughter inside continued and I swear the voice was dad's when he asked for some more beer...and he sounded drunk. Very drunk. What followed that was cheers of agreement. It all suddenly stops when my phone starts vibrating in my pocket.

Biting my lip, I move away from the door and hold the phone close to my ear, "Hey dad." "Hey Brooklyn. Where are you now?" He asks in his most sober voice and I stay quiet for some time, not knowing what to respond.

"Still at Liam's." I lie. I hear him breath out on the other end before he talks again, "Okay listen honey, I'm at the airport okay? I'm supposed to be receiving a special guest for our company here. I'll probably be home by 11:30 or so. Stay at Liam's till then."

Holding my breath, I tip toe to the door, hoping that all I heard behind it was just a dream. Just a prank my ears were playing on me. On reaching, I spoke again, now whispering,"Hello?"

"Hello Brooklyn, are you there?"

"Dad I can't hear you. Can-can you speak a little louder?" I squeeze my eyes shut and grip on to Liam's hand. "Okay one minute, I'll just go in." He said and after some time, I heard it.

Loud and clear from inside the house. Dad's voice shouted, "Brooklyn, can you hear me now? I think there was some disturbance!"

The phone drops from my shivering hand, the screen guard cracking as it hit the surface. Hot tears roll down my eyes and my hand flies to my mouths. Liam inhales  a deep breath before he picks up my phone and runs downstairs, dragging me by my wrist.

When we reach Luke's floor, we stand in front of the staircase. Liam looks nervously at me and pulls his lips in a thin line. "He lied to me." I say, swallowing hard and looking up at him, "He lied to me all this time!" Liam wraps me in a comforting hug, but I pull away and snatch my phone from his hand.

Dad's name pops up again and my hands tighten around my phone, to the point where my knuckles have turned insanely pink. I won't be surprised if my phone cracks-you know what actually? I think it's better if it just does.

I fling the phone across the room with all the force I have and it crashed on a wall just beside someone's front door.

Liam eyes widen, but he stays quiet. I storm towards my phone, pick it up and repeat my action several times, trying to satisfy my anger. My heart thudded in my chest when I heard the loud bang of my now hardly-recognizable phone, with pieces of its screen shattered on the ground and the back cracked open.

I can't find any emotions inside me. I need to let this out. I need to freaking feel something! Luke's front door opened and his eyes widen when he sees my furious state.

"Brooklyn control yourself!" Liam shouts, holding me back.

Taking in deep breaths, I grit my teeth and punch the wall behind me letting out a scream. Luke locks my hand firmly in his, preventing me from punching again and looks at Liam, "What happened to her?" 

"Henry told her he was off to some work, but she heard him now. At home. Probably drunk as hell by now." Liam replied, in a low voice.

"Oh for heck sake." Luke mutters under his breath before pulling me into a hug, letting me soak his perfectly clean and wonderfully smelling grey hoodie with my salty tears.

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