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The whole car ride back home with Liam, we usually jam out to songs on the radio, so I try to build as much enthusiasm as I can, but fail miserably.

Liam switches off the radio, "Ok that's it. Tell me what's wrong." He pulls over and I shake my head, "Nothing Liam, I just have a mild headache. Carry on driving." He looks at me with a 'shut up' look, "And you think I buy that."

I roll my eyes, "I don't want to cry Liam, don't worry, just go ahead."

"I never said you wanted to cry."

I bite my tongue, getting caught in my act. "Tell me what's wrong Brooks. Did someone hurt you? Was it Ryan? I will bash his-"

"No Liam, stop dragging Ryan into everything. He's out of my life now." I tell him and he nods, "Then tell me the truth."

I sigh, realising he's not going to let the topic just drop, "It's-it's Luke." Liam grits his teeth, "What did he do?" "He didn't do anything, he's just-he's just ignoring me. Out of the blue. And I don't know what I did wrong Liam."

His grip on the steering wheel tightens, "I'm going to go talk to him." he starts reversing the car but I stop him, "NO! Don't. I don't want him to know that it affects me this much. It'll just increase his ego. Please. I'll find out myself tomorrow."

I look at him with pleading eyes and he gives in, "Fine, but if he says anything to you. Just tell me." I smile and nod.

If only he even says anything.

When we reach home, Mia's sleeping so we creep into our room which is next to hers and shut the door softly.

"Should we call Harp now?" Liam asks and I nod after calculating the time.

We video call her and she accepts it in a few seconds. "Woah that was fast. Were you on your laptop now?" Liam asks grinning and she shrugs, "I'm bored. Anyway sup? Ooh is there tea about Lukelyn?" She rubs her hands and smirks.

"Lukelyn? Seriously Harp?" Liam retorts.

"I know right why would you keep a-" I'm cut off by Liam.

"I was thinking more of Brook. You know, Luke and Brook." Liam says and I turn to him with my eyebrow raised. "Yeah I thought of that too but like it's close to her own name so..." They two continue bickering about a ship name for us when I interject. "Can we get to the topic?"

"Oh right..." Liam drawls.

Harp's eyes widen, "What's going on Brooks?"

"Okay so..." I take in a huge breath and tell her the story about my dad. These two are the only ones i can trust with this but sadly, Luke happens to know about it.

"Brooks that's-I'm so-I don't know what to say." Harp stutters after I'm done. I smile, "I'm getting through it. Just a few more months before I can probably move out, I'll deal with it."

"And anyway, I think he's suddenly feeling guilty about it, coz he's acting all nice to me now." I say and Harp smiles, "So that's good right?"

I nod, "Yeah, but Luke isn't talking to me now. And I don't know why. I was probably just another one of his girls he kisses and ignores. I'm so stupid for thinking he actually likes me." I look down and bite my lip.

Harp clears her throat, "I don't mean this in a oh my gosh way, rather in a shocking way. But...he kissed you?" I smile and look at Liam to narrate the whole story. He does, and Harp looks like she's going to break the laptop screen any moment.

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