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"Brooklyn." Someone whispered, "Brooklyn. Your dad's calling you sweetie."

I tried to change the scene of my dream through my sub-conscious mind, but it didn't work. "Brooklyn, sweetie you have to wake up." The voice whispered again. I groan and am suddenly pulled out of the garden I was taking a stroll in, and am brought into the real world.

A hospital, to be certain. With sleepy eyes, I look at my hand and smile weakly when I see it still kept under Luke's as he slept blissfully.

"Brooklyn." I turned up and found the owner of the voice to be Rosanna. She smiles when she sees me awake, "Your dad called sweetie, he wants you home." I groan, "Rosanna, can you please tell him I have to stay to make sure Luke doesn't sleep on his injured hand?"

Rosanna smiles, "You're sleepy Brooklyn. Chris and me have been taking turns to watch over him. You can go." I frown, "But can't I stay?"

"Let her stay mum." Luke mumbles, opening his eyes only a little. "Luke weren't you asleep?" She asks him and he nods, shutting his eyes again, "I was, but I heard voices." He says, wrapping his hand around mine now. The gesture causing tingles. "Why can't she stay?" He mumbles.

"Her dad is waiting down for her already Luke, let her go." Rosanna replies and my mood immediately drops. Why can't dad ever let me be? Why is he suddenly all into my life now? "Oh okay. You should go then Skittles." Luke murmurs and I blush at the use of my nickname in front of his mom.

A small smirk plays on Rosanna's lips as I look down, to hide my red cheeks. "I'll wait for you outside." She says and walks out of the room.

I sigh in relief and stand up from my chair, immediately feeling pain in my back from the position I had fallen asleep in. "Why did you agree to let me go?" I ask Luke and he squints his eyes open, "You need to go Skittles. Come back tomorrow...if you can."

He lets out a yawn and motions for me to lean closer. I hesitantly do and he lifts his head, placing a kiss on my cheek, then falls back down. "See you tomorrow okay? Don't keep your dad waiting." He whispers. I bite my lip and nod, ignoring the blush that formed from the little contact I've been yearning for for days.

"Okay." I whisper back, kissing his forehead before walking to the door.

"Skittles." He calls out. I turn and see him with his eyes shut. "Don't forget your dress." He says and my eyes widen, "Right. Thanks Luke." I grab my bag and fold my dress, leaving with it securely held under my arms.

"Dad I could've stayed the night there, you know?" I say as I enter the car with a yawn. The AC causes a chill to run down my spine and I bury my hands deeper in my(Luke's) hoodie.

"Don't even get me started on that Brooklyn. You were supposed to come back home with David." Dad says in a warning voice. 

"Yes dad, but he left early and while Luke and me were talking, we both just happened to fall asleep. I was sleeping when Rosanna woke me up to tell me about you." I tell him and he shakes his head, "Ok whatever, but listen Brooks. I had warned you about Luke's bad behaviour earlier and you kept telling me I was wrong. Now do you know what I mean?" He looks at me before setting his eyes back on the road.

I roll my eyes. Of course dad would bring up this conversation. "Dad, he did it for some reason and it's not often that he does this. David told me that. So maybe this was really bad." I say and he scoffs, "Really bad, my foot. If things get bad, you don't just go and get drunk Brooklyn."

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