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"Shit" is the first thing I mutter when we get out of the water. Both, Luke and me, are shivering like hell. Even though in hell you're supposed to burn, but you get my point.

"W-we shou-shouldn't have sta-stayed i-in for tha-that lon-g" I stutter and Luke wraps his arm tighter around my shoulder, shivering. I feel like we would've been in a better state if just this stupid rain didn't plan on pouring down on us exactly today.

We quickly get into the car and Luke throws his socks at the back. He turns on the heater to maximum and we get close trying to get as much heat into our body as we can.

But now I realize, that's not the only problem. How am I going to explain this situation to dad?...and oh god! I bunked school today. For the first time in my life. And I don't know if it makes me feel worried or rebellious.

When we feel a little warmer, Luke reduces the heat and we sit back in our seats, both of us lost in our own world.

Luke Johnson brought me to his secret place, he listened to my ranting, he kissed me, we both got wet in the rain, he's sitting next to me right now, probably thinking almost the same things as me. what? What's going to happen after this? We can't just pretend none of this ever happened. Will he ask me out after this? Or am I just another one of those girls he kisses and throws away? What am I actually to him? Does he regret kissing me? I mean, he did subtly admit his feelings for me a few days back, but still.



We both start together and a nervous smile appears on his lips.

"What's next?" I ask him, cautiously and he looks down. Was he thinking the same thing? Or does he know the answer? "Skittles" he scratches the back of his neck, "I-achoo" he sneezes into his arm, "Excuse me. So I was saying-"

"Luke, we should get home now. You're going to catch a cold and so am I." I tell him and he smiles sympathetically, "But where will we go? We can't go to your-"

"Aachoo." I sneeze this time and shake my head, muttering an excuse me.

"Okay we're going to my house then." He concludes.

"What if dad decides to come over- shit!" I mutter and he gives me a confused look. "Dad will get the message from school that I had not attended class. Oh goodness what do I do? Oh shit oh shit oh shit."

"Skittles, Skittles, calm down. Relax. In that way, even my dad will get the message." He tries to console me but I give him a blank stare, "This must not be new for you Luke. This is- I have never bunked class before, I don't know what to do now." I bite my lip, nervously.

Luke looks away guiltily, "I'm sorry." I melt at the innocence on his face when he turns back, "Luke, I'm not blaming you. I really needed this today. I should thank you." He smiles and leans forward, placing a kiss on my forehead.

He starts the engine and I bite my lip, trying to control the wide smile threatening to show. Luke chuckles, looking at me from the corner of his eye. He intertwines his fingers with mine on my knee and keeps his hand there, occasionally removing it to change gears.

We reach home after a series of sneezes from both of us. I even suggested to drive because Luke was sneezing more than me and it was dangerous to sneeze and drive. But he shrugged it off saying that he could handle it.

"Okay, I think we should both go for a hot shower first before anything else." He suggests, when we enter his apartment and I nod, "You wanna go first?"

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