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I wake up to Dad's argument with someone and so I strain my ear to try and listen to the second voice. Not being able to clearly hear it, I go outside and see my Dad in front of the door blocking my view.

"Can you not talk so loud? The poor thing's going to wake up" The voice says. I walk forward and look over dad's shoulder and see...Mum. She looks really pissed at dad. Oh god, don't tell me they started another argument. Dad freezes when he feels my presence behind him, "Good morning sweetheart." He says smiling a fake and nervous smile. I can't say the same. This morning is far from good.

My eyes are locked with mom's and her lips curve into a small smile. I don't know how to react though. I love my mother, I really do. But after dad and she divorced four years ago, everything has been so awkward. Their disagreement has broken all our bonds as a family.

Mom opens her mouth as if to say something, but decides against it and shakes her head "See you directly at the hospital Brooklyn." I nod and she gives dad a look before walking away. Dad and me have our breakfast in silence, both of us relishing our favourite pancakes. "Dad" I say after we finish. He looks up at me. 

"What was the discussion with mum about?"

"Oh nothing big, just me trying to bring her even higher than before ego down." he scowls. I am tempted to ask what he meant, but stop myself. I nod and mentally prepare myself for what's to come in the hospital.

At 1:30, I leave the house, rubbing my sweaty palms on my black jeans as I enter the elevator. As I'm going down, I am stopped on the 6th floor by some creepy dude not much taller than me, entering.

He has a sleeveless jersey exposing his huge muscles, a cap put backwards and a gold chain. Basically, he looks like a guy straight out of a mafia movie. He winks at me as he enters and stands right next to me, causing our arms to brush against each other. The contact sends shivers running up my spine.

Excuse me mister...personal space. I want to tell him, but not wanting to create an argument with a plausible gangster, IN AN ENCLOSED AREA, I keep quiet and take a step away. I wrap my arms around my body uncomfortably and look the other way, my fingers impatiently tapping my arm as i prayed for this damn elevator to move faster than it's usual turtle speed.

The guy bites his lip and stands behind me now, "Hey darling, you scared? Don't be, I won't harm you in any way. In fact" His breath fans my ear, "I'll protect you." He wraps his hands around my body, sending my heart thudding in it's cage. I struggle under his grip, but he doesn't budge.

The elevator feels slower than the turtle now and this guy is breathing in my ears. Tears threaten to spill, but I can't cry. That would just show him that he has control over me. I bite my lip nervously and squeeze my eyes shut.

The elevator bings and the door slides open again. I open my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief when I see Luke outside with a horrified expression plastered on his face. He notices my uneasiness and i see his fists clench beside him.He walks in and this guy has the nerve to still hold me. Luke stands towering the guy by at least 3 inches and growls at him, "Back off."

The guy looks up, his hands still around my waist, "And why should I listen to you?"

I struggle even more as his hands tighten. "Get your bloody hands off of her before you don't have them anymore!" Luke shouts, gripping the guy by his sleeves. The guy gulps and finally leaves me. I look up at the glass showing the floor numbers and seeing that it's the ground floor, I move past Luke to get out along with the guy, but Luke holds my wrist and I look questioningly at him.

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