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Dad returned on Thursday and I still haven't told Liam the truth and every time I think about it, I only feel worse.

On Saturday Ryan took me to the amusement park and bought me candy floss. He even won me an adorable teddy bear from the ring throwing game! We first went on the Spinning Circle, a ride on which we're basically spun around at crazy speeds, but we made sure to go there before eating anything, so we wouldn't have any unwanted accidents.

Our last ride was the Ferris Wheel. It went along slowly and when we reached the top, the sun was already setting, painting the sky beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow. It was a breathtaking view. Ryan and I talked the whole time and then before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

He held my face in his hands with such gentleness and drew me closer. It was all so perfect! My first kiss at such a wonderful place, at such a wonderful time, with such a wonderful person. It was better than I could have imagined it.

The whole way back, that was the only thing running in my mind...and Liam too, but I tried forgetting about that. Ryan's presence is enough to make butterflies flutter in my stomach and I'm loving every minute of it.

On Sunday, Liam and I met up at a coffee shop to catch up on the things we missed. Rebecca and he have been going out now but he has not asked her out yet, coz he's worried that he might be taking it too fast. One of Rebecca's friends had heard our fight and told Rebecca about it, after which she shyly took the initiative to talk to him and now they're growing close.

I'm honestly so happy for Liam. He has finally got the girl he's been crazy about for almost 2 years and who would've thought it would all be because of our stupid fight?

Today, Tuesday, the Winter Formal announcements were made, thus getting everybody excited about asking out their partners. I roll my eyes and smile at a couple looking crazy in love with each other at the end of the hallway and Ryan's image crosses my mind, instantly causing butterflies.

Talking about him, I have not gotten to talk to him much after Saturday. I wonder what he thinks about the Winter Formal? Does he find it too cliché? Or does he love the idea? Will he be taking me to it? How will he be asking me out if he does?

All my dreams, however, come crashing down when I see him at his locker with Zoe close to him. Her hands rested on his chest and his on her waist while their lips were pressed against each other. My heart felt like it stopped beating at the sight. What is he doing? He is with me. Not Zoe. How has she managed to take him away from me so fast?

I go to them and push Zoe away from him and turn to face Ryan who looks more than pissed at my sight. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" I yell at him and he rolls his eyes, "God I should've known you would be the over-dramatic type." My lips quiver, "W-what do you mean?" He mimicks me and Zoe fills in for him, "Brooklyn baby, Ryan is not interested in you honey. He doesn't like you."

I look at Zoe's smirking face and she shrugs, looking down at her nails. "But you-you kissed me. You took me out. You did so much for me." I stutter, my body feeling numb and cold. He rolls his eyes again, "God Brooklyn just get over it man. You and I both knew it was not real."

I stare at his face, "I don't understand." I whisper. He stares at me for some time before bursting out into a fit of laughter, "You-you really thought I liked you, didn't you?" He says between his laughs. I see a crowd forming around us and tears roll down my cheeks.

How could he do this to me? Was this all just a game to him? This whole week meant nothing?

Zoe pats my shoulder, sympathetically and walks away, the crowd making way for her exit. Ryan finally calms down and looks at me, "What Brooklyn? Why would you really even think that I liked you?" I move my mouth, unable to say anything. This is-I can't believe this. It all felt real. It felt like he liked me back. HE FREAKING TOOK MY FIRST KISS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

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