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 After those words hit my ears, my blood runs cold. All I hear after that is a white sound, piercingly loud. The guy on the other end, murmurs 'Bridgeway Hospital' and I cut the call with shaky hands.

My heart starts beating rapidly in my chest as I first run to the guest bedroom and see it empty. That idiot left the house drunk without informing me and PLUS he was driving?!

Hastily putting on my flats, I race downstairs and bang my fists on the Johnson's front door. My face feels wet with tears and sweat. I put my hand on my forehead and pace infront of their door, breathing heavily.

I'm about to bang it again when it opens revealing Chris with a baseball bat. He sees me and his eyes widen, "Brooklyn, what happened?"

"LU-LUKE'S IN THE HOSPITAL, WE NEED TO GET THERE FAST!" I cry and Chris's eyes widen, "HOW?! WHERE?!" 

"What happened?" Rosanna comes rushing out and a sob escapes my lips, "Lu-luke." I choke out, but Chris runs past me with the keys in his hands, "Be quick!" He yells at us and Rosanna slams the door shut, running by my side, down the stairs. 

When we get inside the car, Chris tells her about it and she starts shaking and breathing heavily, tears flowing down her cheeks. Chris tries calming her down but to no avail. With shaky hands I type out a message to Liam and switch off my phone, praying to God that no serious damage was done.

When we reach the hospital, I am hit with a strong smell of phenyl and all around me are white walls, with a few scrapes covering some parts. Chris goes to the front desk and we are told that Luke had already crossed the casualty stage and had been sent to the Emergency ward...which was now closed for the day.  Dang it, stupid visiting hours.

We three sat outside and I couldn't stop shaking my leg up and down. What actually happened to him? How is he now? Will he be fine? What if he's too ba-okay no Brooklyn, think positive. Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts.

Luke will be fine.

Pray to God. Luke will be fine.

Luke will be fine.

I take in deep breaths and look to my side, to see Chris with his arm around Rosanna's shoulder as she cried bitterly. I wrap my arms around my body, trying to stay warm. I hadn't been in the right mind to grab a sweater while coming here and now I'm freezing outside the ward.

My phone rings loudly and a nurse passing by, glares at me, pointing to a silent phone board. I nod sheepishly and quickly pick up the call, "Hey dad." I say. "Honey, where are you?" He asks nervously and I chew on my lip, "The hospital dad." 

"THE HOSPITAL?! What happened to you? How did you reach there? Brooklyn speak up! Tell me what happened? Which hospital, I'll be there soon!" Dad bombards and I gulp, "It's not me dad." I wipe some stray tears rolling down my cheek, "It's Luke."

He stays silent for a few seconds before he speaks again, "What happened to Luke?" "He-he got into an accident...he was drunk driving." I meekly reply and I hear dad taking a deep breath, "Which hospital are you at sweetheart? I'll be there." I tell him the name and cut the call. Maybe having dad here with me, will help me feel better. 

In 15 minutes, dad was by my side, hugging me as I cried into his chest. He asked Chris about what he knew till now and he said that the doctor would reveal the information tomorrow morning. How could he just leave us with that? Doesn't he know that there are people freaking worried about the patient?!

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm in my room. At first, everything felt fine and normal, until I remembered about last night and HOW I'M SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE HOSPITAL AND NOT AT HOME!

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