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"What will be hard to believe" I ask, worried about what she's going to say next. She takes a deep breath and bites her lip, "It's-it's not a her, Brooks." I stay quiet, my mind slowly piecing her words together, "'s a him? I-I have a twin brother?" I ask softly and she nods.

I remember the days when I was small and would keep saying I wished I had a twin and now it makes sense why mom and dad always got so worried when I said that and diverted the topic immediately.

"Wh-where is he now? Where did they take him?" I ask and mom looks down, "He-they live close to you." My eyes widen, "What?!" She nods.

"Like-like how close? Have I ever seen him?" I frantically ask and she smiles lightly, "You have. Uh, you-you know him actually. You know his dad too, my brother."

I stare at her with a mixture of confusion and shock, "I have? Who's he? Whose dad do I-"I freeze mid-sentence, "I know him?" I cautiously ask. She nods. "I know his dad?" Nods again. "He lives close to me?" She nods. "Mom..." I trail, "Is it-oh god, no there's no chance that it is him."

"Who?" Mom's face lights up with a small smile while mine was the complete opposite as I gulp, "Is it-is it Lu-Luke?"

Mom stares at me with a horrified expression and my eyes widen, "No, please don't say it is. Please don't. Mom. No. No. Oh my god, what kind of a plot twist is this? Luke is my boyfriend! Ugh, wait, no. I'm not dating my twin. Oh god yuck yuck yuc-"

"Brooklyn!" Mom exclaims, cutting off my rant. I stop and look at her. She sighs, "It's not Luke sweetheart, calm down."

A huge weight seemed to have lifted off of my shoulders. I'm not dating my twin. Luke is not my twin, thank fricking goodness!

"Then who is it? Mom seriously tell me fast, I can't bear this any longer." I grumble and her breathing gets shaky as she lets out a sigh, "It's-Brooklyn, I don't get how you haven't figured this out yet."

I furrow my brows, "Why should I? I mean, how should I? I don't have the slightest clue about who it could be." She bites her lip, "Do you know my maiden surname Brooklyn?"

I narrow my eyes to think. This is so embarrassing. How don't I remember my own mom's surname?

After racking through my brain for 2 minutes, I finally remember, "Thomas!" I exclaim, "It's that. Isn't it?" She smiles and nods, "It's Thomas sweetheart. Who else has the surname Thomas?"

I look down as I think of every boy I know. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Tho-.....


My eyes widen and I look at mom who's smiling. "D-David?" She grins and nods.

Ok. What the actual freak.

The orange Skittles first

His hug feels like home

The connection I feel when we fist bump

The similarity of his brown eyes with mine


I can't believe what the freak I just discovered.

Oh my freakin goodness.

Oh my word.

David Thomas...from my tiny circle of friends. DAVID THOMAS! DAVID. David freakin Thomas is my freakin twin brother!

Ok Brooks, calm down. Breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. Gain control of yourself. Breathe in, out, in, out.

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