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On Sunday, there's a knock on the door and when I open it, I find Liam outside along with Mia.

"Liam, you've not been answering my calls." I say and he looks at the side of me, not at me, "I needed time to think." I bite my lip and nod. Smiling at Mia, I carry her into my house and room. She makes me call 'Lu-Lu' to my house to play with her and, so that's what I do.

"Hey Luke." "Hey Skittles. What's up?" My heart flutters at his nickname for me and I instantly remind myself about Sabrina. "So Mia has come over and-" "SHE HAS?" He says, excitement evident in his voice but then he coughs to cover it up, "Oh she has? Yeah so?" I laugh, "So she wants you to come over to play with her."

I can feel his excitement through the phone even though he's trying to act cool about it. Who would've thought that LUKE JOHNSON had a soft spot for little children?

"Oh, that's nice. Yeah, I can come. David's at my house so I'll bring him along as well okay? I mean not that you would have a problem."

"Oh goodness, shut up Luke. Come in half an hour or so." He agrees and cuts the call.

"He's coming?" Liam asks me and I nod, "Yup and he's excited about meeting her, it's so cute." He smirks at me. "What? I find it cute when guys like to play with little children okay?" I say defensively.

"Okay okay I didn't say anything." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Blooklyn do you have Lucky Charms?" Mia sweetly asks me and I nod and give her the box, "She's obsessed, isn't she?" I say and Liam smirks yet again.

I'm telling you this boy has been hanging around Luke for too long now.

"Just like you're obsessed with Skittles. I wonder if it's because someon-"

"For goodness sake STOP!" I grumble slapping his shoulder and he grins. And that's how I knew, we were fine again.


"Lu-lu!" Mia screams as Luke enters my apartment.

"Hi Mia!" he says with equal enthusiasm and carries her as she reaches him. "How have you been girl? Has Liam been troubling you?" he asks in a baby-talking voice, tickling her tummy. She giggles and shakes her head. "No? Oh then it must be Brooklyn. She's always annoying everyone."

"Hey!" I say defensively.

"What? They're facts."

"Why do you still hang out with me then?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm doing you a favour Skittles. Now come Mia, let's go in?" he asks the little girl and she nods.

"Yeah sure it's not my house or anything right? Why do you need to ask me first?" I murmur, rolling my eyes. "What did you say Skittles? I couldn't hear you." Luke says mockingly and I narrow my eyes at him, "I don't blame you. Snakes can't hear, I understand."

"Oh I'm a snake now huh?" he asks with an amused smile and Mia slaps her forehead and shakes her head adorably, "You'll fight so much"

Oh my God she's such a cutie! Wait why did I hear that loud? Did I say it out loud?

I soon get my answer when I see Luke's wide eyes. Oh, he said it out loud then. I smirk at him and he rushes to my room before I can say anything. I chuckle and go inside along with Liam.

"Lu-lu look I got all my barbie dolls so that we can have double the fun now!" Mia states proudly taking her small Sofia The First bag from Liam's hand. We are all seated on my bed. Liam and I are leaning against the headboard.

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