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"Hey Melissa." I say, picking up the call, hoping that Ryan catches on. "Melissa? Brooklyn, it's Ryan." He replies. "Yeah no actually you know what Melissa? I think I won't be able to come over today..." 


"Oh you haven't left yet? Ok that's great. Yeah see you tomorrow then. Bye." I quickly cut the call and discreetly let out a breath of relief.

"What happened?" Luke and Sabrina ask me and I bite my lip, "Um I think I'll have to cancel the thing today coz my head has started to pain." I nod, massaging my forehead for emphasis.

Luke gives me a confused look, "Oh. Um ok, I'll reach you home and then we'll go."

I shake my head, "No Luke, it's fine. Really. You two go enjoy ok? I really don't want to ruin your date night. I'll walk, I need some exercise anyway"

Sabrina smiles at me and looks at Luke. They two have a conversation for which I look away, not wanting to invade their privacy.

Since when has Luke been dating her? How come I didn't know about it until now? He never told me this.

"Um so Brooklyn, are you sure about it? It's really not a problem to drop you home first." Sabrina says and I shake my head, "No Sabrina it's fine. You're the sweetest." I smile and Luke grins, "That's why I like her." He kisses her cheek and my chest thuds.

I don't know why but when he started with 'L', my heart just started pacing. Like I thought he was going to say love and I don't know why it bothered me anyway.

They two are really cute though. The way Sabrina blushes when he's around is seriously adorable. "Ok Brooklyn, if you need anything call us okay?" Luke says and I nod.

"She doesn't have my number." Sabrina says and extends her hand for my phone, "I'll type it in?" I smile and nod, handing her the phone.

I tap my fingers on my arm, waiting for her and suddenly her head shoots in my direction, smirking. I give her a puzzled look and she mouths, raising her eyebrow, "Ryan?"

My eyes widen as I realize that she must've seen his name in the call log. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. I make pleading eyes and she shakes her head dismissively and smiles, assuring me that she'll stay silent.

Ok I like this girl even more now.

She hands me the phone and mutters a enjoy before driving off with Luke. I let out a deep breath and immediately called Ryan,after which I found out that he too was nearby so I told him to meet me inside the shop.

I still had that nagging sensation in the pit of my stomach, the type I get when i'm doing something wrong. Liam's face flashes in my mind but i shoo it away and focus on Ryan instead.

"Oh my god, that was a damn close call. You could've gotten caught!" Ryan says when I finish narrating the incidents. I nod, "Yeah. I mean, I think it's sorta good that we didn't go to the cinema today, coz otherwise we would've gotten caught by Luke and my whole lie would go downhill and cause the worst avalanche ever." I chuckle and he smiles, his dimples making their way onto his cheeks, "So, we can't be seen together by Liam nor Luke right?" He says softly, his voice slightly dejected, "But we're not dating right? What's the big deal in being my friend?"

I shrug, "I don't know Ryan. What does Liam have against you that bad though?"

Ryan sighs, "So we were friends in 3rd  grade and-" "Wait, you'll knew each other in 3rd grade?!" He nods, "Even Luke did. We all went to the same primary school. So then one day we got into this tiny fight about something worthless and Liam realised he didn't want to hang out with Luke and me anymore. So there is this little disagreement."

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