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That is not at all what I was expecting.

"I'm... really sorry David. What happened to her? Is it something very serious?" I gently ask.

I try to see where I come in the picture here. Or maybe he just wants to talk about it with someone?I'm totally fine if that someone is me. But why me?

"Yeah so yesterday she suddenly fell unconscious after complaining of breathlessness and chest pain. So we immediately took her to the hospital where they said she had a cardiac arrest and needed to be under critical care."  he replies. "Oh thats...bad" I say softly. 

"Uh yeah so I was told that Dr. Eden was the best person to consult in this case. She's the best heart surgeon around here right?"

I freeze at the mention of my mother. He doesn't seem to notice this and continues. "She's your mother right?" he asks and i nod, "Uh yeah. So what do you expect from me now?" I ask, my fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt." "Can you please ask her if she can treat my mother? Please Brooklyn, I don't want anything to happen to her. When I can help it that too." His eyes display pure sadness and I bite my lip, thinking over my next words.

"Um David actually-"I pause and internally slap myself. What is wrong with you Brooklyn, you're putting your ego before someone's life. Someone's MOTHER'S life. "Yeah I'll tell her about it" I give him a tight smile and nod. His shoulders relax and he smiles, "Thank you so much Brooklyn. You don't know how much of a big favour you've done for me. Really, thank you." He takes my hand in his and squeezes it.

"Sorry" he says, as we walk to the front door and I give him a confused look, "For what?" "For what Luke did in school." He says and I shrug, "Eh forget about it. He's a jerk, I know. Honestly, I don't even know why I cried so much about it." He stops and looks at me, "You cried? A lot?"

Oh shit! Why the heck did I say that? "No not that much, I mean I just-"

"I'm going to kill that guy." He mutters, fisting his palms. "He knows about it." I inform him, looking away. "And he still didn't apologize?" he raises his brow and I shake my head.

"Brooklyn, I'm sure he feels bad. He just has a huge ego, don't hold it against him. He's a really nice guy if you get to know him."

"Why did he do that to me then?"

"I really don't know honestly. But I can assure you I'll make sure it never happens again. You have my word." he says smiling.

"David, thank you so much" I hug him and he hugs me back and suddenly I feel a familiarity that I never felt before when I hugged any other guy.

It just felt like...home.


"So how was the date? And his reaction to your reply?" Harp asks, when we reach home. Turns out, they had actually waited outside for me and just as we stepped inside Harp's house, she demanded answers.

I look at the floor, "About that. It wasn't a date...or even a proposal. We just assumed that." "Then what...wait what?" Harp asks mirroring the same confused reaction as Liam. "Yea so actually he called me to talk about his sick mother who got a cardiac arrest yesterday." They both gasp. "Yea so the doctors suggested Dr. mother, for the operation."

"So are you going to do it?" Harp asks,"Talk to her about it, I mean" "I don't know Harp. I mean, it's been ages since we've last talked.But I...this is not about me, it's about someone's life being at stake. So I can't put my ego before that." I say softly. They nod and I take a deep breath before taking out my phone to make the call.

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