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I look down at my white top tucked into my blue jeans when I reach school, "Hey Liam, do you think I look too plain? I should have worn something better I think" Liam gives me a once-over and looks back in front, "It's fine but who are you dressing up for?"

I didn't want to tell him it's for Ryan or then he'll just get worried. Instead I just shake my head and he let the topic drop.

When we reach the entrance, I see Ryan talking to some people outside, but when he sees me, he leaves them and walks over to us.

I feel my cheeks heat up and Liam looks at me, "I really hope he's not the one you dressed up for Brooks." he whispers. Not getting a reply from me, he sighs, "Brooklyn I already told you-"

"Hey Brooklyn." Ryan smiles, reaching us, "So I'm going to watch a movie today with my new friends, you wanna come?" "Uh..." I trail not sure if I should go alone with him. I hardly know the guy. As if sensing my concern, he adds, "Don't worry, we're not going to be alone. My friends are coming along too, remember? Oh, and there'll also be girls around, so you have nothing to worry about Liam."

How the heck does he know Liam?

"As long as you are around, there is everything to worry about. Ryan." Liam spits out his name like poison and I hold his hand, warningly. "I'll tell you later?" I ask Ryan and he smiles and nods. Liam raises a brow at me and shakes his head.

Ryan takes this as a sign to leave and I completely turn to face Liam, "Can you just be a little supportive?" He scoffs, "About the fact that my best friend is going to be kidnapped by some dude she just met and knows absolutely nothing about? No. I can't be." he pauses, "You're not really going, are you?"

"I don't know. There will be girls there as well. What's to worry about?" I ask and he lets out a fake laugh and crosses his hands over his chest, "I can't believe you right now Brooks." "What do you mean?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows. "Brooks, you barely know the guy and you want to go out with him?" Liam raises his brow.

"No Liam, as he said, we won't be alone. His girl friends are going to be there too."

"That doesn't matter. He's going to be there. You in no way are going with him today." Liam orders and I raise my brow, "Oh yeah? And who are you to tell me that?" He seemed taken aback by my reply, "Did you just-I seriously-I can't believe you right now. What the hell Brooks?" He lets out a small amused laugh, shaking his head.

"You can't believe me?" I start raising my voice, "I can't believe you Liam. You're the one being blinded by jealousy." 

"Keep your voice down Brooklyn." He warns me.

I see people looking at us so I take Liam to an isolated corner of the hallway, "You're just jealous." I say, anger boiling in me, "You're just jealous that I'm going to date someone before you get to date that Rebecca girl you've been pining over for ages. You're just jealous that I'll be dating and you'll be single. It'll be too embarrassing for your ego to handle isn't it? It's always been about you. You're just a coward Liam! If you want to date someone too all you have to do is ask Rebecca and I'm sure she will-"

"BROOKLYN ENOUGH!" he yells at me, but I stand firm, "JUST ENOUGH! You're being a damn hypocrite! You don't know what you're saying right now. Are you even hearing yourself? Just take a minute to calm down and then we'll-"

"I don't need a minute! I don't even need a freakin second! Coz I know everything I've just said and I won't take back a thing, I know what I'm doing!" I fight back.

At this point, my eyes get blurry with tears while Liam's face is emotionless, the way it is when he's trying to hide his emotions. I feel bad for putting him through this, but even he has to let me try out things. He can't always be shielding me from every guy who talks to me.

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