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Today's the day mom would be arriving from wherever she lives now(she never tells me where it really is) and I'm nervous as hell.

I go to school like any other day even though inside I'm an anxious, bubbling mess about having to meet her tomorrow. Honestly speaking, i don't even know why I'm so nervous, i just am.I park my car (which has finally been serviced) in the parking lot and walk to the entrance of my school. As I'm entering, someone's hands land on my shoulders from behind and i hear a 'BOO' scaring the wits out of me. Thinking it's Liam with another one of his stupid pranks, I turn and punch him on his shoulder, only to realise later that it's actually Luke.

He bursts out laughing at my reaction, "Was that supposed to hurt Skittles?" I glare at him and walk away. He follows me with David who's also laughing.

I abruptly stop and turn around, only to come face-to-face with his hard chest. My face burns when I realize how close I am to him whereas he remained undisturbed and instead winks at me, "Skittles if you were a vegetable, beetroot would be the perfect choice for you, judging by the colour of your cheeks right now." I take a step back from him and let out a breath, trying to get rid of the red that has overtaken my cheeks. "What is it that you want Luke?" I ask him and he grins, "I don't want anything Skittles." 

"Then why are you following me?"

"Oh just to annoy you. We were bored." he replies and David smirks, "Don't act like you don't like it Brooklyn. You and your friend adore us."

Did I ever say he's nice? Yea I'll just take that back.

"We don't David. You're sadly mistaken. We don't enjoy your presence. Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving." I narrow my eyes at the boys.

"David! Luke! Come over here." One of their popular friends shouted, among the others huddled in a circle. "Go on. They probably want to introduce you'll to your new conquests for the week." I roll my eyes and Luke smirks, "You jealous Skittles?" I scoff, "You wish Johnson."

He then steps closer to me and leans dangerously close to my ear, "Don't worry Skittles, i have no conquests. I have my eyes only on you." I bite my lip hard and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping the blush doesn't take over again. The 2 boys in front of me burst out laughing and mutter something about how there's no girl who's not after them before walking away.

I grit my teeth and curse myself for giving in to their charm. They 2 are nothing but egoistical douches who think they are better than everyone in the room and i'm not going to contribute in proving that assumption to them. 

I suddenly realize that I've been staring at them this entire time when Luke catches my eye and blows a flying kiss in my direction along with a wink. Jerk.

"Oh. My. God." Harp exclaims as she rushes towards where I am near my locker.

"Chandler Bing?" I offer and she rolls her eyes, but soon gets excited again, "Goodness, you got a flying kiss PLUS a wink from Luke Johnson!" I grimace at her words and shake my head, "I really don't know what you find good here." Her eyes widen like I've committed a crime, "Are you kidding me? It's LUKE JOHNSON for crying out loud!"

"Oh you're right sweetheart. Make your best friend understand that." Luke chimes from behind Harp as he passes us.

Harp's eyes widen and her cheeks turn ten shades of red, "Shit I should stop screaming things out, shouldn't I?" I nod my head, hiding a smirk.

As I'm entering class after lunch, I'm looking for the last piece of goodness in my packet of Skittles when I trip on something, or rather nothing. Soon I have arms wrapped around my waist from behind, saving me from utter humiliation. I also see that I threw my packet of Skittles down, which, now that I see, actually had some remaining inside. THREE remaining inside.

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