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"I really wanted to have you as my partner for the wedding but dad wanted only family. So yeah." I end after about half an hour. I didn't tell him about Ryan yet. Let him process one thing at a time.

"It's no problem, Skittles. I'll be there at the wedding anyway, just not beside you. That, will be in a few years." He winks and I roll my eyes, smiling.

"I wish it was you though, I don-" I stop myself before I start complaining to him about my cousins and making him bear with it coz he's too nice to tell me to shut up. "You don't what?" He asks and I shake my head, "I just wanted you."

He smiles and takes my hand, kissing it and rests it on the carpet. We sat on the floor because it just felt better for the talk today.

"Why hadn't you told me about this earlier? Like after your mom explained stuff to you and you were okay with it?" He asks and I shrug, looking away, "If I had told you about it, then whenever some obstacle came in the way, my brain would think of telling you about it first and I didn't want that. I didn't want to trouble you every time."

He sighs and leans his head back on the couch, "You don't trouble me, Skittles. I'm more than happy to always help you, okay?" He pauses, "And I feel pretty privileged that your brain would think of me as its first instinct. Shows I'm always on your mind." He smirks and pokes my side, making me flinch and roll my eyes, blushing.

"Don't give me that eye roll. We both know its true." He teases and I roll my eyes, yet again.

"So you're saying it's not confirmed about the wedding date anymore?" He asks, changing the topic and I shrug, "I don't think so at least. Because of her dad being in the hospital and stuff."

"But what about reservations?"

"Catherine's sister probably made arrangements. She's a wedding planner." I reply and he nods, looking in front.

We stay quiet for some time, letting the soft afternoon breeze be the only sound filling the room.

Luke suddenly turns his head to me, "Let's go out, Skittles. Just a casual date. It'll help you get your mind off things and me get more time with you. We've not been on a date for long anyway." He smiles and I feel butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as he places a short kiss on my lips and stands up, giving me his hand to do the same.


The wedding is postponed to the 13th of February. Why not 14th, you ask? Well my father and his fiancée thought it would be extremely cliché and not special if it were to be celebrated with hundreds of other couples.

Anyway, so Catherine's father got discharged a few days back, but the doctor said he needed at least 5 days of complete rest before he could attend any functions or go out in general. Even then, the doctor said, he should not exert himself too much.

Tomorrow, Ryan will be coming back with dad since I told him about me having to still tell Luke about it. He surprisingly agreed.

Liam, Harp and me video called yesterday where I told them the whole story and I could tell they two were masking their anger for him with pity after hearing his story. Though I'm pretty sure that's the last look he would want to see on them when they meet. Yikes!

Harp also thought it would be nice to bring up the fact that 2 guys I've had romantic feelings towards, became my brothers. In my defense, I already figured out that my feelings towards David weren't romantic. Just...something I couldn't understand and so considered it a crush.

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