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Chapter 1


War is a horrible thing. It will destroy anything in its path and take the people you love most. There is no middle ground, your ether the hunter or the hunted. I never thought at some point in my life I would see my planet, my galaxy, in chaos. There are those who believe the only way to achieve victory is through force, but I beg to differ. The war between the Galra empire has been ruthless and has left many planets without hope. We have united forces with the Alteans. My father, King Glerd, is a very close friend of King Alford and I am best friends with his daughter Allura. 

Believe or not, our lives where peaceful once, full of joy and happy memories. Allura and I were born around the same time. Our families where filled with joy with the news of our coming, their lives would finally be whole. My parents had been trying to have a child for the longest time. They no longer cared if it was a boy or a girl, they just wanted the chance to hold their very own child in their arms. 

I come from a very ancient race called the Drakie. My people have the ability to connect with the elements. Most of the Drakie are born with one ability and these abilities are inherited from their parents. The Golden Drakie was the exception, he was able to control all the elements. The elements the Drakie controlled where: wind, water, lighting, fire, light/darkness, nature, stone, energy, metal, terra, and ice. There were eleven tribes each separated according to their element. Our planet, Negetia, prospered for thousands of years. As protectors of the elements, we were kind people, but some races feared us.

We had the ability to turn into giant beast with wings as tall as mountains. There where does who were born this way and did not has the ability to turn into humanoids. Those born in their full Drakie form where called Drako, born from eggs and paired with a shifting Drakie. Some would spend thousands of years in their eggs waiting for their partner. They formed a bond so strong that their lives became inter-connected. 

I was born a shifting Drakie and came from the royal family known as the Firehearts. For generations the golden Drakie would rule over the tribes and keep the balance between them. The golden Drakie was always born a boy, but I was the exception. I became the first Gold Drakie to be born a girl, no one was prepared for this news. My parents overlooked that and accepted that one day I would rule over the tribes, not by marriage but through inheritance. 

We were on board the Altean Castle looking upon in horror as we saw our starships destroyed one by one by Zarkon's forces. The horrible truth started to sink in slowly, we were losing the war. I felt my father put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Taylin I need you to be strong for me and for your people" he suddenly said. 

"What do you mean? Our people are scattered to the stars, it looks like this is the end for us." I turn to look at his face with tears in my eyes and I saw the same look reflected on his face. 

"I am sorry" 

"You don't have to be sorry, Zarkon is to blame for this. His hunger for power has blinded him. We need Voltron!" I exclaimed. 

He put his hand on my cheek to wipe away a stray tear. 

"I will always love you Taylin no matter what happens" 

"What are you talking like this?" Suddenly my vision became blurry and my world turned dark.                                                                                         

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