Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Eye of the Storm

We stood frozen looking at Zarkon's entire fleet before us too shocked to even express are worries.

"Zarkon! How did he find us?!" Allura exclaimed breaking the silence.

"His commander must have radioed him from Olkarion." Keith said.

"We need to wormhole now. Everyone to your stations, we need to put some distance between us and Zarkon." Shiro ordered, we nodded heading to our seats.

"This could be the fight of our lives." Shiro stated sitting down.

"That's sure is a lot of fighters..." Hunk said scared.

"Allura, can you evade these fighters? We can't have them following us through the wormhole." Shiro asked while looking at the fleet.

"I can try." Allura responded and she ignited the castle's boosters moving us away but the Galra ships that followed our every move.

"Keith, Lance, Taylin. Let's lay down some covering fire." Shiro ordered; I activated my defense drone on my screen. Storm came to sit by my chair looking at the radar. I grabbed the holographic handles and move my drone into position shooting down three Galra fighters.

"Lance! Incoming, 12 o'clock!" Pidge called out.

"Got it!" Lance answered and saw his drone move to that location, but Keith's drone pushed him out of the way and shot down the fighter.


"Sorry, gotta be quick." Keith muttered, Lance drove his drone bumping it on Keith's.

"How's that for quick?" Lance shot back.

"You..." Keith growled and both drones began to hit each other.

"That's enough you two!" I scolded them, and they stopped.

"There is an incoming fighter to you left." Storm commented.

I moved out of the way before it could shoot me down and moved behind it, firing at its boosters.

"Thanks Storm."

"Come on you guys, stay in your zones." Shiro said.

"Yeah, Keith!" Lance said annoyed.

"Keep calling out those fighters Pidge. Hunk, how are defenses holding?" Shiro asked.

"I-I don't know 10%, 15% maybe. Everything's a blur, I've been up too long. I have tired eyes." Hunk whined.

"I know we just came out from an intense battle but we gotta stay focused, just until we jump." Shiro encouraged.

"And when is that?!" Keith yelled out when the castle began to take heavy fire.

"There's still too close, we need to gain more speed." Coran explained.

I felt how someone began transfer energy to me and slightly looked at Storm confused.

"What are you doing?"

"You need the energy more than me, there is not much I can do." He answered.

"I got an idea, Hold on!" Allura exclaimed breaking our thoughts.

She moved the castle and accelerated pushing us back in our seats.

"Allura, what are you doing?!" Pidge exclaimed as we saw the moon coming up fast.

"I'm going to use this moon's gravity to gain speed and put some distance between us and Zarkon." Allura explained, she moved the castle to go around the moon. The force was so strong that I had to hold on to my seat, suddenly Storm disappeared from my peripheral vision.

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