Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Tales of a King

-Ten-thousand years ago- King Fireheart POV

Fire can be the destruction of all things, consuming everything in its path, leaving nothing but pain and ashes. This is what I saw before my eyes, death's embrace all around me. How can such a proud race fall to the clutches of war? Fellow brothers and sisters fighting, and for what? A so-called peace that we claim we want to accomplish. Not even the sky glowed blue and yellow with the magnificent light of our sun. It was dark and hollow like it mourned for the fallen. 

I became king in a time where my people, the Drakie, fought against the dark order. Invaders who thought they were above all others. They tried to take control of our kingdom by force and twist it into their very own image. My father, King Darius, gave his life in this war to save mine. I saw him fall at my side, and I could not do anything to stop it. Not long after that, Nimawe, my bounded Drako fell to the war as well. She fought bravely, standing strong with her believe that I could rule over our people the way my father had. I vowed to put an end to the war, for her, to set future generations free of any war hungering. My children to come would not know the pain and suffering that it brought with it, I just could not allow it. So, I set out to-do what no other king had been able to accomplish for many generations, to unite all the clans. Together we would be stronger, with all the elements put together, we would be unstoppable.

The last battle took place in the cold mountains of Helma; that day our footsteps warmed the snow and we took victory into our hands. Drakies of all different clans stood back to back fending of fiends; they disappeared into a cloud of dark smoke when our swords trespassed their bodies. It was like they burned and turned into ash, nothing more fitting after all they had done. Drakos of so many colors flew in the sky, biting and lashing out with their tails; it was a marvelous sight, if not terrifying. I would never forget that day, because it was the day that everything changed. Not just for all people, but for me. It was the day I met my dear Talise, a female of the water clan. She was surrounded by fiends, but to my surprise she fended them off all on her own. I stood and watched amazed at her speed, how her dark brown hair moved with her every strike. It was hard to believe that someone as slim as her could be such an admirable warrior. When I was finally able to see her face, she took my breath away. I had my fair share of women who chased after me for a chance to marry the Prince of the Drakie, but none of them were as beautiful as her.

When the war was over, I searched for her, but I was let down when she showed no interest in me. She seemed not to be fazed at standing before her king. I tried everything to gain her attention, and often slipped out of the castle to observe her beyond the trees, but nothing worked. This woman was stubborn. I sought out my close friend Alfor, King of the Alteans, but he too was having a bit of trouble with his new-found love. I reached my limit of desperation and often busied myself with matters of the kingdom to try to forget. It was not until one day I was determined to confront her, to find out why she did not return my affection.

I entered the water clan's citadel, ignoring everyone who bowed down in reverence, I had my eyes set on my goal. I stormed up to her cutting off her conversation with three other women, they backed up looking down a bit afraid.

Talise turned around to look at me surprised to see me, "Is there something I can help you with, King Fireheart?" She asked in her melodic voice.

I gazed down at her, but she did not even flinch when I looked straight into her eyes, "I need to speak with you." I looked behind her to see the other women edging closer, "In private."

"Um, sure." She began to move towards the tree line, far away from any prodding ears. She looked at the forest with her soft green eyes for a few ticks until she finally sighed and turned to face me, "What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?"

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