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Chapter 14


Seeing the cubes destroyed by Pidge and the Green Lion brought confidence to the Olkari and they drove the Galra from their main cities. We stood on top of one of the many buildings that over looked the forest, our lions to our backs.

"I want to thank you all. You've helped to get our home back and for that, we will never be able to repay you." Ryner said with a smile.

"Just promise me that when it's time to take the fight to Zarkon, we can count on the Olkari for help." Shiro said and Ryner extended her hand and they shook on it.

"Now and forever." Ryner said and she turned to Pidge.

"And you. The spirit of the Olkari resides in you. The bond between you and your lion has grown stronger than ever." She said and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Without you, I would have never been able to unlock my lion's true power." Pidge smiled up at her.

Ryner let go of her shoulder and turned to look at me.

"In other matters, you have proven to be the true Queen of the Drakie." She said standing in front of me. "Your people left something here on our planet for safe keeping and it can only be unlocked by someone of the Fireheart blood line." She said, I looked at her in shock.

"My people were here! When!?"

"This is not recent; your people came to us ten-thousand years ago and asked our ancestors to store away something very valuable. This secret has been passed on for generations, come I must show you, it's in the forest." Ryner waved at me to follow.

"Can we come?" Pidge asked.

"Yes! of course. Come on!' I said to them exited.

What could my people have possibly given to the Olkari that is so valuable. I pondered.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach, I felt happy hearing about my fellow Drakie after such a long time. We got on the tree mechs again and we flew through the forest. We stopped when the vegetation was too dense and continued on foot. Shiro gave me a smile and squeezed my hand.

We walked for several miles until we came close to some giant boulders, the only way to get passed them was to climb over them.

"Are we suppose to go up?" I asked Ryner.

"No, look over there." She said pointing.

I noticed something different there and realized they looked like doors, on instinct I walked toward them until I was right in front. There were markings on the doors but not all visible, vines had grown on them over time. With a wave of my hand, the vines obeyed and removed themselves from view. On them were carvings of two dragons taking flight and in-between them an image of a girl with her hands towards the sky. As I looked closely at the orb on top of the girl's head, it looked like a raindrop.

"This is the symbol of the water element." I said touching the surface of the carving.

"How do we open it?" Lance asked.

"Hmmm, if I remember right the way we opened sacred entrances was to use the element imprinted on it, but there must be a stone plate on the ground somewhere. I must stand on it, if I am to open it. " I said looking around the forest floor.

Everyone else begun to search, I removed dirt and leaves from the surface with my foot.

"Found it." Shiro said pointed at the ground.

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