Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

The Ruins

Our journey became rather uneventful since the time Bob captured our minds and placed us in his game show. We would wake up, eat, socialize, run a few tests and repeat. I had honestly lost track of time here, there was no day or night just an endless sea of black. It kind of made me miss our adventures, but on the other hand we would be fresh for a new start on Earth. Once we arrived, we would have to start planning the construction of a vessel to replace The Castle of Lions to be able to set out again into space again. We needed a base of operations where the lions could recharge their powers cores without taking days.

Storm had become a little irritated of being cooped up inside the lion, so I let him fly around outside for short periods of time. I could feel his relief when he was finally able to stretch his wings to their full length. In one of his space flights, Storm was nice enough to transfer Shiro over to the White Lion for us to have some time together. I was over joyed to have him aboard and feel him close to me. I had found the chest with his belongings and set up sleeping accommodations for him next to mine. Shiro had given me a wide smile when I showed him his things. Over all the commotion, I still remembered to look out for him.

It was another regular day and we went to bed cuddling up to each other. His warmth brought a sense of security to my being and I could not help but to lean in closer to rest my head in the crooked of his neck. I had fallen asleep almost instantly, but the sound of Keith's voice pulled me out of my dreamless sleep. I covered my ears trying to keep him out and covered myself whole with the blanket.

"Come on, it's time to wake up." Keith's voice rang in my cargo hold.

"What's the point?" Lance stated, "We're just floating in space. There's no day or night here."

"For once... I agree with him." I said groggily and yawned.

"Mhm, we should sleep for fifteen more doboshes." Allura sighed.

"We should sleep until we get to Earth." Storm added covering his head with a wing.

"Guys, we can't let this long journey make us soft or dull our skills." Keith interjected, "Routine will keep us sharp."

"I slept over ten-thousand years and I'm as skilled and hard scaled as always." Storm argued.

"Keith's right." Shiro said; I lifted the blanket off my face and saw him already up wearing his Paladin armor, "Routine is what got me through being Zarkon's prisoner and being in the infinite void of the Black Lion."

"I guess that does make you an expert on killing time." Lance breathed.

"Okay everyone, to your stations." Keith ordered, "Running battle simulations now."

"Wow, Keith, wait up." I stated, "Give us some time to get ready."

"Fine, just hurry up." He responded with a sigh.

I covered my face again and rolled over trying to get just a little bit more sleep, but someone tugged at the end of my blanket uncovering me.

"Come on Taylin its time to get up." Shiro chuckled.

"I don't wanna." I whined.

"Nobody wants to, but we have to do this to keep sane."

"I am sane. I just wanna sleep some more."

I felt Shiro sit at the edge of our sleeping accommodations and touch my shoulder, "Are you feeling alright? You been really tired lately."

I rubbed my face and turned to face upward taking a deep breath, "I'm just recuperating from everything that's happened lately. It has put a strain on me physically and mentally."

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