Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Enemy of My Enemy

We intercepted Lotor, flying right behind him in Voltron heading back to the Castle of Lions. He agreed to not pull any stunts and meet under our terms, which was a cell underneath the castle. As we edged closer, the echoes of Storm's thoughts resonated in my head and a flood of relief washed over from him to me.

"Are you alright? I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine, Storm." I said with a hint of a smile, "As you may already know, Lotor saved our hide back there."

"I know, and I am thankful for that, but do you truly trust him?"

"Of course not. We are close to the castle, please come out to meet us. I will like you to escort our guest to the landing hangar and watch over him while we arrive to take him down to the detention area."

"Will do."

I felt how he commanded his armor to expand to the rest of his body and begin to run toward the exit of the castle. A few doboshes passed and a blue glow appeared in the vastness of space. As Storm got closer, his features became more visible and his talons glowed against the silver platting.

"What is Storm doing here?" Hunk asked.

"He is here to guide Lotor into the castle while we disband and head into our hangars." I answered.

"That's a great idea." Lance commented, "I don't trust this guy."

Storm took hold of Lotor's ship and began to head back to the castle. We disbanded Voltron and flew into our perspective hangars. I wanted nothing more than to relax after the eventful day we had, but Lotor's arrival had everyone on edge. I did not believe one word that came out of his mouth; he had bad blood running through his veins. If he really was looking for redemption, he could have come to us long ago instead of toying with us after Zarkon's so called demise.

I exited my hangar and headed toward the pod area, meeting the other Paladins on the way. Shiro came up to me and held my hand tightly, comforting me from what we've just been through.

When we arrived Lotor had already disembarked looking at Storm with a frown, "Could you tell your beast to stop pestering me. He looks like he wants to eat me."

"Like I would eat something so vile." Storm joked only to me.

"I might just let him." I commented with amusement; Lotor gave me a glare.

"What? Did you really think we were going to let you roam the castle freely?" Allura said crossing her arms.

Storm pushed Lotor with his snout and began to guide him to the lower levels with us in tow. Lotor surprisingly did not say anything else; I was sure he knew where he was being taken. When we arrive in the detention hall, Allura pressed a button on a control panel opening the barrier of the cell; Storm pushed him inside with the tip of one of his talons.

"No need to be so harsh." Lotor retaliated brushing one of his shoulders like a spoiled prince.

"Now we can talk." I said coming to stand close to the holding cell with my arms crossed; the only thing keeping him from lunging at me was the see-through barrier before us, but he did not seem hostile. Rather, he stood there with his hands behind his back looking proud of himself and a small smirk on his face.

"I have to say, it's an honor to meet you." Lotor stated, "Never really thought I would get to meet the Queen of the Drakie. Your race was one of the most fascinating to ever have exited in this universe-"

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