Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Return to the Balmera

We stood looking at the Balmera from afar in the main control room. The planet looked brown with a tint of green. It was hard to believe that the planet was actually a living creature.

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and go pow, pow, pow! And free the prisoners?" Lance said making a gun with his fingers.

"What was that noise?" Keith asked looking at him weirdly.

"Laser guns." Lance smiled.

"No Lance, I think you mean. Pow, pow, pow. Pow!" Hunk said pointing his arms like cannons.

"That sounds like fireworks." Lance said.

I stood next to Pidge and she too joined in.

"Technically they're more like. Pa-chu, Pa-chu, Pa-chu" she said making her small hands into a gun.

I smiled down at her.

"Ok, enough with the bad sound effects." Shiro scolded.

"Besides it's more like. Blam, Blam, Blam!" Shiro made a gun with his right arm and came down on one knee.

I was surprised at his action.

"What?!" Keith said clearly feeling the same way.

"You're crazy." Pidge retorted.

"I'm surprised he joined in." I said smiling.

"No way." Lance stated.

"Uh, wrong." Hunk followed.

"Paladins focus!" Allura scolded us.

"Besides we can't just shoot at the Galra, the Balmera is a living thing and from what we've seen it doesn't look very good." Hunk stated.

"After seeing Shay's people being enslaved, it made me realize just how bad Zarkon really is and we're the only ones who can stop him."

"Ok so we can't shoot over there. Plan B, we find a way to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them there." Shiro suggested, looking at a hologram of the Balmera.

"Wait I know! If we attack all of the big mining stuff from the surface, the Galra troops will have to come up to defend it, then we beat them up, head into the tunnels and Voltron saves the day." Hunk formed a plan, but I knew it was not going to be that easy.

"But how will we know how many are left down there in the tunnels?" Keith asked.

"We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using bio-thermal life indicator point technology." Allura suggested brining up an image of the devise.

"Oh, BLIP tech!" Pidge said fascinated fixing her spectacles on her nose.

Allura looked at her confused

"It's an acronym..." she trailed off.

"One of you will have to go around and drop these sensors in the mines, then we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are." Allura explained.

"It's just like the battle of the flooded planes." I said caught in a memory, Allura looked at me with a smile remembering as well.

"I can do it." Pidge raised her hand.

"I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able fly around unnoticed."

"Wow Pidge nice thinking." I said, and I ruffled her hair.

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