Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Crystal Venom

I was really tired after our first mission of saving the Balmera, but Coran wanted us present in the detainment room. He went into my room ordering me to get up and did not even allow me to get ready properly. We were finally going to get information out of Sendak. I guess that's one of the reasons I did not want to go.

Coran was placing a type of device of Sendak's pod and connecting it on the cylinder next to it.

"Ok guys, Sendak is almost all hooked up but look I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep memories alive not to interrogate prisoners." Coran explained.

"Coran, we understand that this wasn't what the technology was meant for but if we can extract Sendak's memories, then we may be able to gain valuable information of Zarkon's troop locations." Shiro said.

He seemed the most eager out of all of us to get this information, everyone else looked tired, except Lance.

"Yeah, then we can just be like. "knock-knock. Who's there? The legendary fury of Voltron son!" Lance joked.

"Fascinating. So how exactly does it work?" Pidge asked Coran with her face plastered on the cylinder's glass.

"As the memories are extracted, there written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands." Coran explained.

"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored into a giant ship." Lance said with a dreamy face.

'"The amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane." Keith said sarcastically making me laugh.

Lance frowned.

"Oh yeah! Well the amount of information you have Keith could be..."

"Yeah?" Keith pushed.

"It's less than what I have!" Lance said.

"Oh, good one Lance!" Hunk praised.

"What about you Taylin, don't you want your memories kept alive?" He asked me.

"We Drakie have our own way of keeping memories alive, but it's a secret." I winked.

"Aww come on." He whined.

"Nope, not telling."

"So, this is how you incorporated king Alfor's memories into the Castle of Lions?" Pidge asked curiously.

"Precisely but it has never been attempted on an unwilling participant." Coran answered.

Coran finally got it to work and the cylinder began to glow a faint blue color.

"Uh, is this what suppose to happen?" Hunk asked.

The pod looked empty, I guess that Sendak was not giving up information without a fight.

"Let's give it some time." Shiro said crossing his arm and standing in front of the pod.

Time passed, and nothing happened. I began to pace around the room, not wanting to look at Sendak. I had a feeling that if I looked at him, I would eject him into space. Hunk fell asleep standing up and fell down, surprisingly he stayed asleep when he did. Everyone started to leave one by one. Keith took his leave and went to train, Pidge went back to the Green Lion's hangar, and Hunk went to get something to eat. Shiro kept standing there without even flinching. I stopped pacing and looked at his back wanting nothing more than to take a peek into his mind and know what he was thinking, but my conscience told me not to intrude in his privacy.

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