Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


Most of our lives we try to find our purpose, some even spend decades trying to comprehend their calling. We are specs of dust in the vastness of the universe while she watches us create life or destroy it with our own insecurities. Why can we live in harmony? Are we not made from the same cosmic dust? And where do we go after we return to such dust?

The light embraced me, taking me into its hold delicately making me feel at peace with everything around me. It felt like flying in slow motion, and like the soul being detached from the body. I kept my eyes closed just enjoying the softest and seeing the light through my closed eyelids. I wasn't afraid of anything it the arms of the light, nothing could harm me here. All darkness had disappeared letting me rest with no need to keep fighting. My strength slowly began to return to me, drip by drip, but I wasn't in the rush to stand or move a limb.

"Open your eyes, child." A soft female voice said.

I followed its order and began to open my eyes slowly letting the light flood my vision. The light around me was so bright, I had to blink a couple of times before my vision could adjust. I moved my hand and saw the floor ripple like it was made of water, but my cheek did not feel wet. I rouse my head gazing at the sea of crystal water all around me, bathed in that luminescent light.

"Where am I?"

"You are in a place where time does not touch. A place of peace and serenity..." A voice answered my thoughts.

I looked to the front, still laying on my stomach, and there stood a bright orb surrounded by a curtain of different color clouds. From it emanated swirls of light, white, gold, and orange. It seemed like a gate way to heaven. My eyes were mesmerized by its beauty leaving me breathless.

"Have I passed away?" I asked feeling a bit of dread thinking of those I left behind.

"You are safe here."

"What has happened?" I asked.

"Your soul has transcended to the great beyond. You are now a part of everything that exists in the universe. The elements have tested you and found you worthy."

"But I have not proven my worth... I am far from being worthy."

"You have tasted darkness and revoked it, placing the light above all, that alone child, has made you worthy. The ancients have watched you since the first time you took your first breath. They have seen the spirit of the great Drakie reside in you and blessed you with powers beyond comprehension. We have awaited your arrival for thousands of years."

"I am to stay here for the rest of eternity?"

"You are a being of light; your place is here with your ancestors. The universe needs someone to stabilize the chaos... the elements have chosen you. Compassion, strength, courage, are a few of the qualities you possess... that's what the great Drakie has been looking for."

"Who is this great Drakie you speak of?"

A few ticks went by and the voice did not answer, but its presence was still surrounding me. "Will you not answer?" I asked pushing myself off the water floor to rest on my knees. The colorful clouds began to shift letting more light seep through, I covered my eyes with my arm until a shadow appeared among them. It looked to be walking closer until the silhouette became more defined revealing a humanoid. They stepped out from among the clouds to uncover a woman. She had long elegant blond hair that almost looked like threats made of gold. Her skin was a light cream color and she wore a dress that dropped to the floor. It was imprinted with depictions of galaxies and stars, when it ruffled, they seemed to move inside the fabric. What caught be off guard the most, were her eyes and what adorned their sides; they had the same metallic hint to them with golden scales gracing her temple. Upon her head, she wore of crystal crown with glowing jewels resembling each color of the elements. I reached to my face feeling the roughness of my scales underneath my gloved hand, "You have the same markings as me... Who are you?"

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