Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I gripped the handles of my lion even tighter, remembering the last time we had to fight one of these beasts.

"Please tell me there's not a massive monster in there. Please tell me it's empty." Hunk said scared. "Or full of space candy. One of those two, either one is fine."

"I don't think it's a piñata Hunk." Lance said.

"If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us, then we already know how to beat it." Keith said.

I let the breath I been holding in and exhaled.

"I don't think it's going to be the same monster, Zarkon is just twisted that way." I said.

Keith had formed the sword while I said my comment, the machine had dropped its doors revealing a horrendous monster. This one looked different from the other one we had fought. It has long arms and its eyes were covered in round circles, kind of like Pidge's glasses. The hole in the middle of its chest lit up green and it looked up at us and shot a beam from it. Pidge activated the shield just in time, the force of the impact pushed us back.

"We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera surface!" Shiro ordered. I moved Voltron away from the incoming beam and flew it straight to the monster to counter attack. It jumped up dodging our attack and shot at us from above. I moved Voltron's right wing to use as a shield. Overtime we tried to get closer to it but it always knew where we were going to hit.

"We can't hold much longer!" Lance cried out.

"My lion's weakening, if the shield takes in any more damage we're done for." Pidge stated.

"I can't keep reflecting the beams with our wings, they are taking heavy damage. If they fail I don't know if we will be able to fly." I said.

"They're right" Keith said.

"Oh, the girls are right? I'm the one who said we can't hold out!" Lance shot at him.

"Lance! Watch your footing!" But it was too late. The Blue Lion had tripped on a giant bolder and caused us to fall our shield braking in the process.

"Ok...Team Voltron disband!" Shiro ordered and we broke into lions.

"Everyone evasive maneuvers, it can't shoot us all at once."

Suddenly the monster raised its arms and many more laser came towards us. I was able to dodge one just in time.

" can do that too" Shiro said annoyed.

A light blue beam shot from the sky, I saw the castle appearing from among the clouds. Allura had shot at it and its attention was now on the castle. The monster let out a laser towards her, I saw the particle barrier flicker.

"Taylin, Keith, shoot it from the sides. I'm coming in from above." Shiro said.

I moved my lion is attack position to its left and shot at with everything I had. I saw the Black Lion coming in for the kill, but the monster noticed it and shot, Shiro was able to avoid it just in time.

"We need to find its blind spot." I said eyeing the Black Lion for any damage.

"What blind spot?! This thing has like a thousand eyes!" Pidge shot back.

"What do we do then?! Fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet!" I said back flipping my lion into a nosedive.

"I think we have to aim at those laser eyes and take it out." Keith suggested.

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