Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The Hunted

Everyone had rushed to their lions to catch up with our leader, who had launched unexpectedly ordering us to follow him. I was still a bit annoyed at his rashness, and I knew, he knew that. We had not spoken a word to each other since back in the Blue Lion's hangar.

"Their cruiser's location is on the other side of the upcoming planet. According to stats and velocity projections, we should be within range in about one varga." I said motoring Lotor's ship and our current location.

"Good, hold position." Keith said.

Everything was going fine until the Blue Lion lost control and crashed onto the Yellow Lion. "Oh, apologies, Hunk!" Allura said.

"Mm, is attacking right now such a good idea? You know, since not everyone is so great with their lions?" Hunk asked.

"Do you mean me, specially?" Allura asked.

"You? No." Hunk said a bit sarcastic. "No way, I didn't. I'm just simply pointing out that more than half of the team are in new lions. Maybe now's not a great time to bite off more than we can chew."

"You can blame our hot-headed leader for that one." Lance stated, and for once, I agreed with him.

"First, you want me to lead, and then you complain about how I do it. Prince Lotor is the heir to the Galra throne. We could end their reign right now." Keith said.

The Red Lion zoomed ahead to fly next to Yellow and Blue.

"Allura, you doin okay in Blue?" Lance asked.

"I'm fine. I've been flying the castle for half my life. I just need a few ticks to adjust to the lion."

"Good...because we're going in." Keith stated.

"Uh, I have a bad feeling about this." I said as we got closer to the planet.

"I'm detecting movement." Keith said.

"So much for the element of surprise." Lance complained.

"It's just one single fighter." Hunk stated, "Where's the rest of them?"

"Probably scrambling as we speak." Keith answered. "Let's take it out."

A small grey and blue ship appeared from around the planet flying full speed towards us. Lance seeing this, tried to move out of the way quickly but misjudged his speed, he ended up nocking into the Black Lion.

"Lance, what are you doing?" Keith grunted.

"Sorry! Red here is a lot faster than I'm used to." Lance apologized. "Uh, where that fighter go?"

Lance's actions distracted us from the incoming enemy, we barely had any time to evade when the ship began to fire. The small ship seemed to be concentrating its fire on the Black Lion, Keith took evasive maneuvers, but he could not shake him.

"Come on, move!" Keith yelled at Black. "I can't shake him. Someone get this guy off my tail."

"Coming in on your six." Pidge said as we moved towards them at full speed and began to fire. The fighter quickly moved out the way and our laser fire hit the Black Lion.

"Cease fire!" I ordered.

"What 'a hell Taylin!" Keith yelled at me.

"My apologies, on my defense, I was trying to shoot the ship!" I shot back.

Suddenly, the Red Lion passed inches away in front of the Black Lion out of control, "Seriously, does this thing have brakes?!" Lance yelled.

The small ship was too fast, it kept coming in and out, making small attacks at the Black Lion. Whoever was the pilot, he or she was an astute one. Allura moved forward trying to get a decent shot at it but it easily evaded her, in front of her was the Yellow Lion.

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