Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Code of Honor

Present Time

I've been flooded with memories of my past. It had not bothered me before, but now they came back with full intensity. Ever since our last battle with Zarkon, my mind has been taking me down memory lane. Losing Shiro had triggered some of the most despicable of them, bringing the faces of those passed away in my dreams. I was afraid I would have to add him to the list.

It did not help ether, when I woke after our mission on the Galra base, I went looking for the others in the control room but when I neared, I overheard Coran telling the story of the Paladins of old. Thankfully, he had not gotten too deep into my own past; I was not ready to talk about the atrocities I lived through so long ago. They seemed like they had happened yesterday, but there was a ten-thousand-year gap to prove otherwise. I should have died long ago; I did not belong in this era. My path should have followed the natural order of life, when my father and mother would have been too old to rule, and the throne passed down to me peacefully. To be honest, it sometimes feels like I'm living in some other reality and someday I will wake up and be once again back on my home planet, but none of that was true. I had become queen at such a young age and had taken my father's place as the Paladin of the White Lion.

Becoming a Paladin had brought so many new responsibilities; a lot of people depended of Voltron to come free them from the Galra rule. We had begun to receive countless calls for help, and as much as we wanted to rush to their aid, we had to take it one step at a time; only Keith refused to see that. He had become more engaged in the missions of The Blade of Marmora and would often disappear without saying a thing to anyone. I understood he wanted to help bring down the Empire, but it was impossible to undo a reign that had been established for decades in a course of few days.

The Black Lion would often be missing, just like now, as we escorted some refugees out of the Fimm System that had lost power. I held on to one of the ships with White's front paws being careful not to exert too much pressure on its hull. Suddenly, the Black Lion appeared and grabbed ahold of the last ship just as I was about to make a plan to pull the other one along.

"Well, look who decided to show up." Pidge commented sarcastically.

"You finally made it Keith." I added a bit annoyed, "Where have you been?"

"Yeah, are you even taking this seriously?" Lance asked.

"Sorry I'm late." Keith apologized.

"Give us a warning next time you're going to leave." I said turning on the visual comm.

His face popped on my screen, he had his eyebrows creased, "I already apologized, what more do you want?" He shot back angrily.

I was taken back by his outburst. Yes, I was irritated that he had not come along side us, but I never verbally attacked him. Keith's expression changed to worry and immediately tried to apologize, but I shut down the comm before he could finish his sentence. I moved the handles of lion shooting forwards and leaving him behind. I passed the others and broke the Olkari atmosphere first. With the utmost care, I placed the ship on the ground with a soft clank and landed my lion as the others began to set the other refugee ships down. I exited my lion and went to aid the people that began to exit the ships.

"We have injured." I informed as I saw a woman holding her arm and cringe with pain, "Everyone, check the people of the ship you brought in, if they need to be healed, bring them to me."

"On it." Allura responded over the comm.

I walked to the woman holding her arm, "Please ma'am, let me inspect you arm." I extended my hand out to her and she looked down at it frozen. "I just want to make is feel better, I won't hurt you. I promise."

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